Ed-Fi Techncial Advisory Group Charter
Eric Jansson (inactive account)
Eric Jansson
Last revised: April15, 2022
The Ed-Fi Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is composed of organizations with technical expertise in Ed-Fi technology and in the technology domains critical to meeting the goals and mission of the Ed-Fi Alliance and Ed-Fi community.
The TAG provides technical feedback on the Ed-Fi Technology Roadmap. To this end, the TAG meets regularly throughout the year to discuss and propose solutions to technical questions critical to the success of the Ed-Fi standards and technology, and to review proposals and feedback from Ed-Fi Community Work Groups and Ed-Fi Special Interest Groups. The TAG also considers technical issues and directions of high importance to the progress of Ed-Fi technical work in the field.
The TAG provides input on proposals surfaced to the Governance Advisory Team. The TAG takes a long-term perspective on the roadmap of Ed-Fi standards and technology, a perspective that factors in and also rises above immediate concerns and issues in current field work.
The TAG's input is non-binding (i.e., it is a consultative body), but the input of the TAG is recorded publicly for the community to see.
TAG meetings are closed and membership is not open to all, but all notes, agendas and documents are available to the Ed-Fi community (see the TAG Meetings section). The TAG follows other norms of the work groups, as defined in the Community Work Groups Operations Charter, where they do not conflict with principles listed elsewhere in the TAG charter.
Circumstances permitting, a small set of TAG meetings (generally two every year, corresponding to the Ed-Fi Summit and Technical Congress) may be open to any community member and will provide an opportunity for anyone to raise an idea or comment on prior discussion points synchronously.
TAG member organizations may send multiple individuals from their organization to each TAG meeting, but are asked to limit this to one or two if possible.
Membership in the TAG is by organization. Organizations that are part of the TAG are responsible for meeting participation expectations (see below) by appointing or otherwise designating individuals to participate in TAG activities. The main responsibility of TAG members is to provide their technical expertise on questions raised to the TAG.
Membership terms for the TAG are generally one year, but the length may vary based on annual scheduling needs. The TAG is composed of up to 15 organizations. Half of TAG seats are held for education agencies. The remainder are appointed by the Alliance to represent the vendor community and other critical community stakeholders.
The Ed-Fi Alliance appoints TAG members based on applications. Any community member is invited to apply (see TAG Membership Process). The application and appointment process are annual.
Member organizations are expected to:
- Use their TAG membership to provide their expert advice on technology questions important to the community by actively participating in meetings, reviewing documents, or communicating through other means with the Alliance and others as needed.
- Maintain a single, primary contact for all TAG business from their organization. That individual is expected to respond in a timely manner to TAG business activities and actions.
- Attend at least 80% of meetings, designating individuals in their organizations as needed.
- Attend the majority of all in-person meetings of the TAG.