TAG Meeting 2015-12-02

TAG Meeting 2015-12-02


Erik Gomez
Josh Allen
Josh Klein
Don Dailey
Ron Engels (Denver PS, guest)
Mark Reichert
Mark Walls
Chris Moffat
Eric Jansson


The agenda included 2 topics:

Roster APIs

The TAG reviewed the proposed Roster API that had been sent out prior to the meeting. the review, the following items came up:

  • A general need for dates for entry and exit of students and staff to sections and schools. These were seen as useful for use cases where applications wanted to account for a student or staff who had just joined or moved sections. Examples raised included:
    • Ability to provision past assessments for a student who recently joined a section
    • Ability to track which teachers taught a student in the past year, so the correct teacher name can put on a report card but all teachers tracked.
  • Another concern raised was how composite APIs might be affected when we have multi-year support in the ODS.
  • Another suggestion was making sure that the roster API could provide indications if the section was a "homeroom" section. This is important for use cases like meal assignments and other operational scenarios.
  • The TAG discussed that the API would use internal GUIDs, but also use natural keys when there was a single ones. The idea was that using natural keys composed of multiple elements results in an overly-complex API. There was general support for this direction.

SIS Product certification and product certification overall

  • One input was that certifications should be automated this over time, with the long-term goal of being part of a continuous integration process.
  • The concern about how to make sure that Ed-Fi certification was adopted and the field certifications were additive. One piece of input was to design the automated tooling such that it can be used - or serve as infrastructure - for field certifications.


Items distributed before the meeting:

Ed-Fi System Integrator Certification Guidelines - Draft 

Ed-Fi SIS Integration Resource Coverage - Draft

Ed-Fi SIS Certification - Field Artifacts

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