TAG Meeting 2015-08-05

TAG Meeting 2015-08-05

Dan Retzlaff, Wisconsin
Reese Robinson, Delaware
Don Dailey, Michigan
Josh Allen, Denver
Erik Gomez, Clark County
Matt Warden, Double Line Partners
Neal Schuh, Skyward
Mark Walls, Illuminateed
Duy Nguyen, Ellevation Education
Geoff McElhanon, Educuity
Mark Reichart, UPD
Eric Jansson, Ed-Fi Alliance
Chris Moffat, Ed-Fi Alliance
Itzel Torres, Ed-Fi Alliance

Meeting Notes

The meeting covered membership, goals, processes and  expectations for participants - see the presentation slides for the content.

There was one question as to the extent of the groups work and if it would include looking at concepts like longitudinal work on the ODS and Ed-Fi technology, and Eric and Chris agreed that yes this kind of roadmap item was consistent with the charter of the group. It was also mentioned that other subject matter experts may join the group from time to time, or special interest groups that the Ed-Fi TAG convenes.

The roadmap overview slide was presented and questions on it solicited - no questions.

The discussion topic that the group took on was Ed-Fi certification. It was agreed that a pain point of Ed-Fi implementation work was validation of the work against the Ed-Fi technology and implementation: this need generally results in long meeting where clients and vendors walk through an implementation to inspect it manually. It was agreed that product certification against Ed-Fi standards or technology could reduce (but probably not eliminate) the current manual process that occurs on an implementation by implementation basis.

There was some question as to where to start and it was the opinion of participants who spoke that the APIs were the place to start and to do so with a practical focus on most common use cases/API. Participants also saw the need for certification against individual APIs or otherwise against smaller sections of the Ed-Fi technology.

There was some question as to automation of API testing. Eric took an action to work to gather some info on one approach used that was brought up in the meeting.

In the conversation, a CoSN program around data security was mentioned and Ed-Fi Alliance as a possible participant in that - Eric to follow up.

Due to time constraints, the other agenda items were not discussed.

 • Eric to gather info on API testing methodology and surface to group (by next meeting)
 • Eric to contact CoSN re their data security program (by next meeting)


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