DEI SIG Meeting #3 - 2023.04.06


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First NameLast NameOrganization
StepehenFuquaEd-Fi Alliance
JasonHoekstraEd-Fi Alliance
BitaRazavi-MalekiTexas Education Agency
JaidaaShafaeiWisconsin DPI
AudreyShayWisconsin DPI
MollyStewartIndiana University School of Education
AnnSuEd-Fi Alliance (Contractor)
MustafaYilmazEd-Fi Alliance


Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support



  • Ed-Fi updates
  • Discussion on vocabulary
  • Summary of discussion and action items
  • Closure


  • Ed-Fi updates on previously discussed topics
    • Data Standards Team created an action item to update the definition/documentation of the Sex Descriptor in the Ed-Fi data exchange core to reflect the request and recommendation from the SIG members to resolve the confusion between gender and birth sex.
    • The change from Parent to Contact will be reflected in the Data Standard v5.0-pre1 release.
    • The work for adding new fields, Preferred First Name and Preferred Last Name, in the Name common is initiated. The change will be reflected in the Data Standard v5.0-pre1.
    • Data Standards Team is collecting feedback on the pronoun related recommendations that this group has given. A separate work of use case analysis has also been initiated to collect data on implementation of extensions among in Ed-Fi community members.
    • Data Standards Team did not have any further questions regarding previous discussions topics.

  • Discussion on vocabulary used for actors and impacted parties for discipline related incidents
    • Some domain and association entities have definition that utilize these 2 words
    • The language that is currently in use in data standard to name the impacting and impacted parties for a discipline action and some other incidents has been noted by some community members as too intensive and make the incident appear more severe than its actual content. Currently "perpetrator" and "victim" are used in the data exchange system to name these two parties of such incidents. We also had discipline in data standard has a spectrum of disorderly conducts from "tardy" to "breaking the law" like robbery and fight.
    • Ed-Fi Data Standards Team asked for the exchange of ideas from the DEI SIG members in finding a less intense and less intrusive vocabulary for naming the parties of both sides in these incidences and opine on the need or lack of it for data collection relating these disorderly conducts. 
    • Group members discussed that maybe the choice of wording is to align with how CEDS define these terms. However, it is found by other members of the group unnecessary and not recommended.
    • Some group members indicated that not both actors are defined and used in their system. It is reported that “perpetrator” is the naming of the data element Ed-Fi community members use to collects data relating for these incidents, however, “victim” is only used by some members.
    • After discussion some group members recommended "Rule breaker" or "Initiator" as possible replacement for "perpetrator", and "Target", "Recipient" or "Impacted" for "victim".

  • Summary of discussion and Action items
    • DEI SIG members recommended the Data Standard team to do a research on the topic by considering current coverage of the topic as a base and update the language for "perpetrator" and "victim" according to the results of that research.
    • For the question about another topics group members would like to consider for another DEI SIG session, members indicated that they currently did not have a topic to consider, but wanted to keep thinking about it to share with the rest of the group members when something comes to mind.  So it is recommended to keep the group as an "ad hoc" group that can re-convene when ideas come up that we need to address.

Action Items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date

Next Meeting: TBD