ODS API SIG - Meeting #3 - 2022-12-08
ODS API SIG - Meeting #3 - 2022-12-08
Agenda and Notes
- SIG Recap - Features and prioritization discussed at last meetings
- Dynamic Profiles and Apply profile without requiring special content type in the request
- Composites
- Deployment modes and routing
- API Logging
- API connection for Read Replica
- Education Analytics - Open ticket requesting implementing ODS-5648
- Most of our projects are in writing stage
- Once in steady state, more people will want to read data out
- Will be helpful to have separate database for read access
- Stephen
- Is there a plan to replace nHibernate with Dapper
- Vinaya - replacing nHibernate with Dapper may not be required for this change
- SF - Possibly, this change be easier while replacing nHibernate ORM
- https://www.enterprisedb.com/blog/taking-advantage-write-only-and-read-only-connections-pgbouncer-django
- EdWire
- We implement read and write replicas by using Azure stackers
- Azure has SQL pool that allows read and write out-of-box
- We implement this currently with separate API containers
- One connects to read and write
- Other connects to read replica
- Just need to change connection string to access the read only replica
- Routing needs to specify districts read-only
- Education Analytics - This exists in AWS also
- EdWire - We have used read replicas (not with the API) with SQL managed instances for reporting purposes
- Vinaya
- Switch to read replica connection needs to happen at the request level, while SQL reads to hydrate nHibernate model during a write operation should connect to the primary read-write database.
- We need to investigate the memory footprint with two nHibernate object models.
- Education Analytics
- Even with two separate containers Memory cost would increase.
- Vinaya - How is the connection string different?
- Pretty much same with ‘ro’ inserted somewhere in the connectionstring
- Education Analytics - Open ticket requesting implementing ODS-5648
- Key Rotation
- Vinaya - It was brought up in an earlier meeting that key rotation is difficult in large implementations, is there any tooling that could help with that?
- Education Analytics
- No technical limitation on deploying ODS instructure for 1 year
- Complexity is with roll-over process and coordination for a new school year and the change of key and secrets. As the number of applications the districts want to connect grows, coordination effort grows.
- EdWire
- Why do you need to create a new Admin and Security every year? These databases don’t change much between different API versions. Security database mostly contains even same data.
- Investigate Admin & security schema for multi instance and multi tenant
- Marcos
- API key/secret work across years, I think that is ok but the Admin App UI gives an impression that it is meant for one year. For me it is UI change AA-1617 and not change Ed-Fi ODS platform.
- Wisconsin
- We built a portal for districts to self-serve credentials. We have 1400 districts that connect to it. We have about 2700 different API keys and secrets.
- We discussed forcing yearly key rotation. However it would be a huge effort to ensure all 1400 districts have the correct key and secret for the correct year.
- Stephen - Maybe need a self-service portal to retrieve your new key
- Education Analytics
- Consider adding a ExpirelyDate on the key/secret so that Hosts can set it according to contract end or on yearly basis ODS-5678
- EdWise
- Consider wrapping admin and security into one Ed-Fi database to reduce cost
- Wisconsin - ODS-1368
- EdWire - make admin database single one to be more efficient
- Combine security and admin and use single one for multiple yearly ODSs
- We currently recreate all three databases every year to keep security data segregated. If that kind of segregation is built into the schema it would simplify management and reduce hosting cost.
- Education Analytics
- Agree with combining Admin and Security databases. Not sure if a multi-instance/multi-year solution would be helpful due to removal of upgrade support. Now we redeploy full infrastructure with new version, if Admin or Security schema changes between versions - muti-year/multi instances support wouldn't work
- EdWise
- Admin database and security database schema have minor changes as compared to the old ODS. If re-architected, it will stay for a while.
- OAuth Implementation
- EdWire - Should we consider including claims inside the token, so that the token has information on what access it has?
- Vinaya -
- Including claims in the token would probably help in avoiding cache issues with security metadata.
- Increases token size
- Stephen
- Meadowlark is using Json web token
- Everything for authorization data is in the token
- I would like to see this happen, but we need to careful about token size
- Meadowlark is using Json web token
- EdWire
- Don’t have to have everything in the token, we can investigate existing open source implementations.
- https://solliance.net/products/policyserver
- I am looking for the ability to plugin in a alternative OpenID implementation
Action Items
- Vinaya will post a report out
- SF - host future Meadowlark SIG cross-feature presentation
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