v3 Student Discipline > DisciplineIncident
v3 Student Discipline > DisciplineIncident
Resource | Property Name | Is Collection | Data Type | Required / Optional | Scenario 1 | Scenario 2 | Scenario 3 | Scenario 4 |
DisciplineIncidents | incidentDate | FALSE | date | REQUIRED | 9/25/ [Current School Year] | 9/25/ [Current School Year] | 9/25/ [Current School Year] | 9/25/ [Current School Year] |
DisciplineIncidents | incidentIdentifier | FALSE | string | REQUIRED | ["1" if possible | system value] | ["2" if possible | system value] | ["1" if possible | system value] | ["2" if possible | system value] |
DisciplineIncidents | schoolReference | FALSE | schoolReference | REQUIRED | ||||
schoolReference | schoolId | FALSE | integer | REQUIRED | 255901107 | 255901001 | 255901107 | 255901001 |
DisciplineIncidents | behaviors | TRUE | disciplineIncidentBehavior[] | REQUIRED | ||||
disciplineIncidentBehaviors | behaviorDescriptor | FALSE | behaviorDescriptor | REQUIRED | School Code of Conduct | State Offense | School Code of Conduct | State Offense |
disciplineIncidentBehaviors | behaviorDetailedDescription | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
DisciplineIncidents | caseNumber | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
DisciplineIncidents | incidentCost | FALSE | money | OPTIONAL | ||||
DisciplineIncidents | incidentDescription | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
DisciplineIncidents | incidentLocationDescriptor | FALSE | incidentLocationDescriptor | REQUIRED | School bus | Library/media center | School bus | Classroom |
DisciplineIncidents | incidentTime | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
DisciplineIncidents | reportedToLawEnforcement | FALSE | boolean | OPTIONAL | ||||
DisciplineIncidents | reporterDescriptionDescriptor | FALSE | reporterDescriptionDescriptor | REQUIRED | Staff | Staff | Staff | Staff |
DisciplineIncidents | reporterName | FALSE | string | REQUIRED | Loyo, John | Smith, Jane | Villa, Mark | Smith, Jane |
DisciplineIncidents | staffReference | FALSE | integer | OPTIONAL | ||||
staffReference | staffUniqueId | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
DisciplineIncidents | weapons | TRUE | disciplineIncidentWeapon[] | OPTIONAL | ||||
disciplineIncidentWeapons | weaponDescriptor | FALSE | weaponDescriptor | OPTIONAL |
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