The Ed-Fi “Classic Dashboards” are no longer supported through the Ed-Fi Alliance. You can still receive support and maintenance through the Ed-Fi vendor community. Please look at any of the vendors’ dashboard solutions on the Registry of Ed-Fi Badges or the Ed-Fi Starter Kits if you are looking for a visualization solution to use with the Ed-Fi ODS. This documentation will remain available to assist existing Classic Dashboard implementers.
How To: Configure Dashboard Operational Context
Itzel Torres
Ian Christopher (Deactivated)
Technical Overview
Operational Contexts allow for mapping between sets of Ed-Fi Descriptors. In practice, the Ed-Fi ETL internally runs calculations based on Ed-Fi-provided Descriptors. Therefore, if you have custom Descriptors in use in your source ODS, you'll need to map these custom Descriptors to the as-shipped Ed-Fi Descriptors in order for your data to be included in calculations.
The process outlined below shows how to create an operational context that will be recognized by the ETL process, and map custom Descriptors through this operational context.
Fully Custom Descriptors
Fully custom descriptors (i.e., wholly new descriptors created by extension to the ODS) are not supported in the ETL. You do not need to map these Descriptors as they have no equivalents in the as-shipped Ed-Fi technology.
The high-level steps are:
Details follow.
Step 1. Create the Operational Context
Note this script must be run as-is. The values provided below are used by the ETL code.
INSERT INTO interop.OperationalContext (OperationalContextUri, DisplayName) VALUES ('uri://', 'Ed-Fi Dashboard Operational Context')
Step 2. Identify Descriptors that May Need Mapping
The below query will show you any Descriptors defined in a non-Ed-Fi namespace that are not currently mapped in the Dashboard Operational Context. These are all candidate Descriptors you should consider mapping. Note that not all Descriptors need to be mapped as not all Descriptors are used by the ETL process.
If the result of this query is empty, you have no more custom Descriptors that are unmapped in the Dashboard Operational Context.
/* Retrieve ALL of the unmapped custom descriptors */ SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @AllUnmappedCustomDescriptors TABLE ( [CodeValue] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, [DescriptorTable] NVARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, UNIQUE ([CodeValue], [DescriptorTable]) ) DECLARE @descriptor_table NVARCHAR(255) DECLARE descriptor_tables CURSOR FOR SELECT t.[name] FROM [sys].[tables] t INNER JOIN [sys].[schemas] s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE t.[name] LIKE '_%Descriptor' AND s.[name] = 'edfi' ORDER BY t.[name] OPEN descriptor_tables FETCH NEXT FROM descriptor_tables INTO @descriptor_table WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @AllUnmappedCustomDescriptors (DescriptorTable, CodeValue) EXEC('SELECT '''+@descriptor_table+''' AS DescriptorTable, CodeValue FROM edfi.Descriptor WHERE Namespace LIKE ''%'+@descriptor_table+''' AND CodeValue IN ( SELECT CodeValue FROM edfi.'+@descriptor_table+' dt INNER JOIN edfi.Descriptor d ON dt.'+@descriptor_table+'Id = d.DescriptorId WHERE Namespace NOT LIKE ''uri://'') GROUP BY CodeValue HAVING COUNT(*) = 1') FETCH NEXT FROM descriptor_tables INTO @descriptor_table END CLOSE descriptor_tables; DEALLOCATE descriptor_tables; SELECT d.DescriptorId, d.Namespace, m.DescriptorTable, m.CodeValue FROM @AllUnmappedCustomDescriptors m INNER JOIN edfi.Descriptor d ON d.Namespace LIKE '%/'+DescriptorTable AND d.CodeValue = m.CodeValue WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM interop.OperationalContextSupport s WHERE TargetOperationalContextUri = 'uri://' AND SourceDescriptorUri = d.[Namespace] + '#' + d.CodeValue ) ORDER BY DescriptorTable SET NOCOUNT OFF
Step 3. Add Descriptor Mapping to the Operational Context
Modify the @descriptor_table
and @edfi_code_value
variables below, and replace the SELECT 'Math'
line with the custom CodeValue you want mapped to @edfi_code_value
. If you have more than one custom CodeValue to map to the same @edfi_code_value
, uncomment and use the UNION ALL
syntax on the subsequent lines.
DECLARE @DashboardOperationalContextNamespace NVARCHAR(255) SET @DashboardOperationalContextNamespace = 'uri://' DECLARE @descriptor_table NVARCHAR(255) DECLARE @edfi_code_value NVARCHAR(255) IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.sys.objects WHERE [name] = '##custom_code_values' AND [type] = 'U') DROP TABLE ##custom_code_values CREATE TABLE ##custom_code_values([CodeValue] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL) DECLARE @edfi_descriptor_id INT /* Change the values below depending on which descriptors you want to map. */ SET @descriptor_table = 'AcademicSubjectDescriptor' -- The Descriptor Type SET @edfi_code_value = 'Mathematics' -- The Ed-Fi CodeValue that will be mapped TO INSERT INTO ##custom_code_values (CodeValue) SELECT 'Math' -- The Custom Descriptor CodeValue you want mapped to @edfi_code_value defined above --UNION ALL -- (Optional) Add 'UNION ALL' if there are multiple CodeValues to map --SELECT 'Matematicas' -- (Optional) Any Additional Custom CodeValues that will map to @edfi_code_value (Add 'UNION ALL' if there are more) DECLARE @descriptor_query NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @descriptor_query = 'SELECT @edfi_descriptor_id = (SELECT TOP 1 DescriptorId FROM edfi.Descriptor d INNER JOIN edfi.'+ @descriptor_table + ' t ON d.descriptorId = t.'+ @descriptor_table +'Id WHERE d.CodeValue ='''+@edfi_code_value+''' AND d.Namespace LIKE ''uri://'')' EXEC sp_executesql @descriptor_query, N'@edfi_descriptor_id INT OUT', @edfi_descriptor_id out IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM interop.OperationalContextDescriptorUsage WHERE OperationalContextUri = @DashboardOperationalContextNamespace AND DescriptorId = @edfi_descriptor_id) BEGIN DECLARE @error_message NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @error_message = 'Mapping already exists for the Ed-Fi Descriptor ' + @descriptor_table + ' with Code Value ' + @edfi_code_value RAISERROR(@error_message , 20, 1) WITH LOG; END /* Create Descriptor Mapping using the values provided above using either Equivalence Groups or Generalization */ DECLARE @DescriptorsToMap TABLE ( [DescriptorId] INT NOT NULL ) INSERT INTO @DescriptorsToMap (DescriptorId) EXEC('SELECT DISTINCT DescriptorId FROM edfi.Descriptor d INNER JOIN edfi.'+ @descriptor_table + ' t ON d.DescriptorId = t.'+ @descriptor_table +'Id INNER JOIN ##custom_code_values c ON d.CodeValue = c.CodeValue') /* Check if mapping already exists for a custom descriptor */ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM interop.DescriptorEquivalenceGroupAssignment a INNER JOIN @DescriptorsToMap d ON a.DescriptorId = d.DescriptorId) BEGIN RAISERROR('Descriptor mapping already exists for some or all of the custom descriptors provided.', 20, 1) WITH LOG; END BEGIN TRANSACTION; BEGIN TRY INSERT INTO @DescriptorsToMap (DescriptorId) VALUES (@edfi_descriptor_id) INSERT INTO interop.OperationalContextDescriptorUsage (OperationalContextUri, DescriptorId) VALUES (@DashboardOperationalContextNamespace, @edfi_descriptor_id) DECLARE @use_generalization_mapping BIT SET @use_generalization_mapping = (SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(*) > 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM ##custom_code_values) IF(@use_generalization_mapping=1) BEGIN DECLARE @EdFiDescriptorGeneralizationGroupMembers TABLE ( [DescriptorId] INT NOT NULL, [GeneralizationDescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL ) DECLARE @GeneralizationDescriptorEquivalenceGroupId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER SET @GeneralizationDescriptorEquivalenceGroupId = NEWID() INSERT INTO @EdFiDescriptorGeneralizationGroupMembers (DescriptorId, GeneralizationDescriptorEquivalenceGroupId, DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId) SELECT DescriptorId, @GeneralizationDescriptorEquivalenceGroupId, NEWID() FROM @DescriptorsToMap INSERT INTO [interop].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroup] (DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId) VALUES (@GeneralizationDescriptorEquivalenceGroupId) MERGE [interop].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroup] AS [TARGET] USING ( SELECT [DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] FROM @EdFiDescriptorGeneralizationGroupMembers ) AS [SOURCE] ON ([TARGET].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] = [SOURCE].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId]) WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT ([DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId], [CreateDate], [LastModifiedDate], [Id]) VALUES ( [SOURCE].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId], GETDATE(), GETDATE(), NEWID() ); MERGE [interop].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupGeneralization] AS [TARGET] USING ( SELECT [GeneralizationDescriptorEquivalenceGroupId], [DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] FROM @EdFiDescriptorGeneralizationGroupMembers ) AS [SOURCE] ON ([TARGET].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] = [SOURCE].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId]) WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT ( [GeneralizationDescriptorEquivalenceGroupId], [DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId], [CreateDate], [LastModifiedDate], [Id] ) VALUES ( [SOURCE].[GeneralizationDescriptorEquivalenceGroupId], [SOURCE].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId], GETDATE(), GETDATE(), NEWID() ); MERGE [interop].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupAssignment] AS [TARGET] USING ( SELECT [DescriptorId], [DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] FROM @EdFiDescriptorGeneralizationGroupMembers ) AS [SOURCE] ON ([TARGET].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] = [SOURCE].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] AND [TARGET].[DescriptorId] = [SOURCE].[DescriptorId]) WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT ([DescriptorId], [DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId], [CreateDate], [LastModifiedDate], [Id]) VALUES ( [SOURCE].[DescriptorId], [SOURCE].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId], GETDATE(), GETDATE(), NEWID() ); END ELSE BEGIN DECLARE @EdFiDescriptorEquivalenceGroupMembers TABLE ( [DescriptorId] INT, [DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL ) DECLARE @DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER SET @DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId = NEWID() INSERT INTO @EdFiDescriptorEquivalenceGroupMembers (DescriptorId, DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId) SELECT DescriptorId, @DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId FROM @DescriptorsToMap MERGE [interop].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroup] AS [TARGET] USING ( SELECT DISTINCT [DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] FROM @EdFiDescriptorEquivalenceGroupMembers ) AS [SOURCE] ON ([TARGET].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] = [SOURCE].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId]) WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT ([DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId], [CreateDate], [LastModifiedDate], [Id]) VALUES ( [SOURCE].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId], GETDATE(), GETDATE(), NEWID() ); MERGE [interop].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupAssignment] AS [TARGET] USING ( SELECT [DescriptorId], [DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] FROM @EdFiDescriptorEquivalenceGroupMembers ) AS [SOURCE] ON ([TARGET].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] = [SOURCE].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId] AND [TARGET].[DescriptorId] = [SOURCE].[DescriptorId]) WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT ([DescriptorId], [DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId], [CreateDate], [LastModifiedDate], [Id]) VALUES ( [SOURCE].[DescriptorId], [SOURCE].[DescriptorEquivalenceGroupId], GETDATE(), GETDATE(), NEWID() ); END END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END CATCH; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION; DROP TABLE ##custom_code_values
Step 4. Repeat Until All Descriptors Are Mapped
Go to Step 2 and repeat for any remaining values you want mapped.