Starter Kits

HELLO! This site contains Starter Kits for Ed-Fi technology. Starter Kits contain links to resources and step-by-step instructions that can help you and your organization get up and running quickly with an Ed-Fi solution. We have Kits for school districts, states, educator preparation programs, and vendors. These Kits are simple, and many can be run with a minimum of technical expertise — but, some assembly is required. If you'd like to explore other options before diving in, see the options available for working with Ed-Fi technology partners on


For School Districts

Harness Multiple Measures of Assessment

Help school staff identify if students are improving over time through multiple assessment measures.

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Address Chronic Absenteeism

Help students sooner with up-to-date and accurate attendance data.

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Ensure Equitable Access for Students

Understand, analyze and take supportive actions with data to uncover gaps in students’ access and participation in your school's educational offerings.

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For State Education Agencies

Modernize Your IT Infrastructure

The first step in modernizing a state’s education IT infrastructure is enabling real-time data by automating collection processes.

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For Educator Preparation Programs

Tackle Program Diversity and Persistence

All students can benefit from having a more diverse teaching force.

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Support Teacher Candidates to be Well Prepared

Clinical experience is critical to the preparation of teacher candidates.

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