Assessment metrics in the Ed-Fi Dashboards can be configured without custom programming using metadata. The ETL application uses this metadata to determine everything from calculation parameters to metric goals. In addition, metrics based on performance levels set certain UI elements using metadata.
This page provides technical detail about the ETL code and underlying structure of the metadata used by the ETL Application.
Translators are a key part of the Ed-Fi ETL Application that calculate and load data into the dashboard data stores. The Translators are specifically responsible for applying the business logic that makes up each metric calculation. See the Key Concepts section of this documentation for more information.
The following is a list of Translators that create assessment metric calculations along with their extended properties.
Extended Properties:
- ReportingMethodTypes (MetricInstanceExtendedPropertyName = ReportingMethodTypes)
- MetricInstanceValue (MetricInstanceExtendedPropertyName for the particular metric instance value)
- PerformanceLevel (MetricInstanceExtendedPropertyName = PerformanceLevel)
Extended Properties:
- MetricInstanceValue (MetricInstanceExtendedPropertyName for the metric instance value)
Extended Properties:
- MetricInstanceValue (MetricInstanceExtendedPropertyName for the metric instance value)
The ETL Application makes the following assumptions about the metadata that are useful to understand:
- Only one column is marked as the metric value column. This column will be used for roll-up metrics.
- The metric will report on the latest assessment available with the selected reporting method.
- Three column types are available to render in the UI, as described below.
The metric calculations for Assessment metrics are primarily data driven from tables in the Dashboard database. The Ed-Fi ETL application populates these tables using the CSV files located in the DashboardTypes folder (e.g., C:\Ed-Fi\Etl\src\EdFi.Runtime\Reading\Queries\3.1\DashboardTypes) for every execution.

This table maps the student-level metric to one or more assessment category types.
This table maps the student-level metric to one or more academic subject areas.
This table maps the student-level metric to one or more reporting method types. The IsValueCalculation
field indicates which reporting method type to use for the actual metric calculation when more than one reporting method is mapped to the metric.
This table maps the metric to the translator used for the calculation as well the default goal for the metric.
The values include:
- Student-Level Translators
- School-Level Translators
- District/LEA-Level Translators
This table maps the school- or district-level metric to the corresponding student- or school-level metric upon which it relies. The DestinationMetricId
is the metric ID of the rolled-up metric (e.g., school-level metric), the SourceMetricId
is the metric being rolled up (e.g., student-level for school-level roll-ups).