ETL Developers' Guide - Assessment Configuration

The Ed-Fi “Classic Dashboards” are no longer supported through the Ed-Fi Alliance. You can still receive support and maintenance through the Ed-Fi vendor community. Please look at any of the vendors’ dashboard solutions on the Registry of Ed-Fi Badges or the Ed-Fi Starter Kits if you are looking for a visualization solution to use with the Ed-Fi ODS. This documentation will remain available to assist existing Classic Dashboard implementers.

ETL Developers' Guide - Assessment Configuration

Assessment metrics can be configured without custom development. The customization options available fall into three general types, each with a distinct configuration method. The types are:

Detail on each customization type follows.

Assessment Metrics Based on Performance Level

Performance levels are used in assessments to delineate thresholds of skills or knowledge, and are often expressed in short phrases such as "Met Standard" or "Exceeded Expectations" or "Advanced Academic Performance."

In assessment metrics based on performance level, calculations are based on the assessment-performance-level met flag then filtered by a configured assessment category and a subject area or areas. The metric display can be configured to add the desired reporting method alongside the performance level achieved.

Configuration Options

The configuration options for assessment metrics based on performance level will include UI elements such as columns and column headers, along with the metric calculations. 

The metric configuration options include:

  • Category. An assessment category or categories to include. A metric can be based on one or more assessment categories.
  • Subject Area. An academic subject area or subject areas to include. A metric can include one or more subject areas.
  • Reporting Method. At least one reporting method must be selected as the metric value. Additional reporting methods can be selected for display purposes.

The following is an example assessment metric from the as-shipped Dashboards based on performance level. The examples include on-screen tables showing how the metric metadata is presented to an end user:

Assessment Metrics Based on a Percentage Threshold

In this type of assessment metric, the score obtained is measured against the maximum possible score and compared to a configured threshold. Calculations are based on configured assessment category, academic subject areas, and raw score. Assessment metrics based on a percentage threshold have no configurable UI options. Metrics are displayed using the default metric template.

Configuration Options

The metric configuration options include:

  • Category. An assessment category or categories to include. A metric can be based on one or more assessment categories.
  • Subject Area. An academic subject area or subject areas to include. A metric can include one or more subject areas.

The following are links to example assessment metric definitions from the as-shipped Dashboards that are based on a percentage threshold. The example includes a table showing the metric metadata:

Assessment Metrics Based on Learning Standards

Calculates the number of learning standards correct against the number of learning standards assessed. Calculations are based on the configured assessment category and academic subject areas. Assessment metrics based on learning standards have no configurable UI options. Metrics are displayed using the default metric template.

Configuration Options

The metric configuration options include:

  • Category. An assessment category or categories to include. A metric can be based on one or more assessment categories.
  • Subject Area. An academic subject area or subject areas to include. A metric can include one or more subject areas.

The following is an example assessment metric from the as-shipped Dashboards based on learning standards, along with tables showing the metric metadata itself:

Technical and Contextual Details

Additional details can be found in the following documentation:

Note that the usage of Objective Assessment Items is not part of the Ed-Fi Dashboards, therefore these are not included in the Objective Assessment Reader. You can view notes on this in DASH-3304 - Getting issue details... STATUS .


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