How To: Install the Metric Configuration Tool

The Ed-Fi “Classic Dashboards” are no longer supported through the Ed-Fi Alliance. You can still receive support and maintenance through the Ed-Fi vendor community. Please look at any of the vendors’ dashboard solutions on the Registry of Ed-Fi Badges or the Ed-Fi Starter Kits if you are looking for a visualization solution to use with the Ed-Fi ODS. This documentation will remain available to assist existing Classic Dashboard implementers.

How To: Install the Metric Configuration Tool

This guide outlines the steps necessary to build and run the Metric Configuration Tool on a development machine.

The source code for this utility can be found in the Ed-Fi Dashboard repository at Ed-Fi-Alliance/Ed-Fi-Dashboard/MetricConfigurationTool. These instructions assume that you have followed the instructions and have the prerequisites outlined in the UI Developers' Guide - Installation.

The steps required can be summarized as:

Step 1. Configure Type Scripts

Each implementation of an Ed-Fi ODS can have different enumeration type IDs and Ed-Fi Descriptor IDs for assessment category types, reporting method types, and academic subject types. The out-of-the-box the Metric Configuration Tool uses the enumeration type IDs and Descriptor IDs from the sample Glendale data set which may not match the IDs in your implementation.

  • If you are using the Metric Configuration Tool to configure metrics for the Glendale sample data set, then you can use the out-of-the-box values.
  • If you are using the Metric Configuration Tool to configure metrics for a different data set, the Metric Configuration Tool database scripts will need to be updated, as follows:
    1. Navigate to the folder \Ed-Fi-Dashboard\MetricMetadataUtility\UtilityScripts in File Explorer which contains the following scripts to create the insert data for the Metric Configuration Tool.
    2. Execute each script against an instance of the Ed-Fi ODS that contains the implementation-specific types and Descriptors. This will generate an Insert script for each type set. Note that there are ODS-version-specific scripts for assessment academic subject types.
    3. Navigate to the folder \Ed-Fi-Dashboard\MetricMetadataUtility\Database\Scripts\MetricsMetadata_{OdsVersion}\up in File Explorer which should have the SQL files listed below.
    4. Update the AssessmentCategoryType Data.sql, AssessmentReportingMethodType Data.sql, and AssessmentAcademicSubjectType Data.sql scripts with the Insert script data generated above.

Step 2. Deploy and Initialize the Metric Configuration Tool Database

  • Open a PowerShell window and navigate to \Ed-Fi-Dashboard\MetricMetadataUtility\Database.
  • Run the command .\build rebuild 2.0 to create "MetricsMetadata" and "MetricsMetadata_Test" databases on your local instance of SQL Server.

To rebuild the Metric Configuration Tool for ODS 1.2 run the command .\build rebuild 1.2

Step 3. Build and Deploy The Metric Configuration Tool Application

  • Within Visual Studio, open the "MetricsMetadataUtility.sln" solution file from the \Ed-Fi-Dashboard\MetricMetadataUtility\Application\src directory.
  • Build the solution.
  • Run the application (F5 or Ctrl-F5) and verify that it launches in a browser window.

Step 4. Voila!

Start using the application and reference the documentation as needed.



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