The Ed-Fi “Classic Dashboards” are no longer supported through the Ed-Fi Alliance. You can still receive support and maintenance through the Ed-Fi vendor community. Please look at any of the vendors’ dashboard solutions on the Registry of Ed-Fi Badges or the Ed-Fi Starter Kits if you are looking for a visualization solution to use with the Ed-Fi ODS. This documentation will remain available to assist existing Classic Dashboard implementers.

Learning Standard and Coursework Mastery


Learning Standard and Coursework Mastery metrics use assessment results to understand whether students know, or are capable of performing, a certain standard. At a fine-grain, these metrics can help classroom teachers understand which students need additional help or instruction on a specific standard or content area, and which concepts their classes as a whole may not understand. At the school and district level, educators and administrators can gauge the overall progress of the students in their care toward their educational goals.

Learning Standard and Coursework Mastery Metrics