Pronunciation Guide

Many technical terms — particularly acronyms — do not have obvious pronunciations. And, some terms still have hotly debated pronunciations. This article catalogues the pronunciation standards for the Ed-Fi Academy spoken material.

We make no claims to asserting the correctness of any particular pronunciation, this is just a document of where we landed during the development of the Ed-Fi Academy material.

The Guide

  • API. A.P.I.
  • ACT. A.C.T. The assessment and testing vendor.
  • CoSN. KOH-sun. The Consortium for School Networking.
  • cURL. curl
  • EPP. E.P.P.
  • GIF. JIFF. As in jiffy.
  • HTTPS. H.T.T.P.S.
  • IDE. I.D.E.
  • ISTE. ISS-tee. International Society for Technology in Education.
  • JSON. JAY-sohn (rhymes with "proton").
  • LEA. L.E.A.
  • MetaEd IDE. MEH-ta-ed I.D.E.
  • ODS. O.D.S.
  • Magnum PI. MAG-num P.I.
  • MappingEDU. MAPPing E.D.U.
  • PaaS: PASS.
  • PostgreSQL. POST-gres-Q.L.
  • Power BI. POW-er B.I.
  • SaaS: SASS.
  • SEA: S.E.A.
  • SIS: S.I.S.
  • SQL. SEE-quel. With very few exceptions (see PostgreSQL), not S.Q.L
  • SSL. S.S.L.

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