Stock Phrases

Stock Phrases


  • Course welcome
    • ‘Welcome to [course name].’
      • Example: Welcome to Ed-Fi 102 – Introduction to the Ed-Fi Technology Suite.
  • Course prerequisites
    • ‘As a prerequisite to this course, you should have already completed [prerequisite courses]. If you have not yet completed [that course/those courses], we recommend doing so before continuing with this module.’
      • Example: As a prerequisite to this course, you should have already completed Ed-Fi 101 – Welcome to Ed-Fi. If you have not yet completed that course, we recommend doing so before continuing with this module.
  • Course structure and length
    • ‘[Course name] consists of [number of modules] e-learning modules. Altogether, it should take you about [estimate of course length] to complete this course.’
      • Example: Ed-Fi 101 – Welcome to Ed-Fi consists of five e-learning modules. Altogether, it should take you about 90 minutes to complete the course.
  • Course audience
    • This course is designed to be useful to [description of target audience]. 
      • Example: This course is designed to be useful to the members of your organization who will participate in the certification process. There are three main roles during the certification process...
  • Overview of what the participant will gain by taking the course
    • ‘As you progress through the modules in this course, [you will/we will]…’
    • ‘In this course, [you will/we will]…’
    • ‘This course will help you…’
      • Example: This course will help you:
        • Understand the benefits of adopting the Ed-Fi Data Standard
        • Know what needs to be done in order to integrate data from an education technology vendor that hasn’t yet built an Ed-Fi API integration
        • And understand what comes next, once you have data flowing through the Ed-Fi ODS.
        • By the end of this five-module course, you should be able to envision your entire data pipeline (at least for your first use case), and reflect on how your priorities—and your focus—will be different once it’s implemented.
  • Module welcome
    • ‘Welcome to this [nth / nth and final] e-learning module in [course name]. So far in this course, we learned [brief recap of prior content]. In this module, we will [brief description of module goals].’
      • Example: Welcome to this second e-learning module in Ed-Fi 131: Implementation Capabilities Framework. In Module 1, we learned about the design and structure of the framework. We considered why an organization would use the framework, and we practiced explaining it to others. In this module, we will look more closely at the three focus areas of the framework.
      • Example: Welcome to this fourth and final e-learning module in Ed-Fi 131: Implementation Capabilities Framework. So far in this course, you have learned about the framework, and you have practiced applying the ICF review process to a scenario for an organization like your own. In this module, you will complete an ICF readiness survey for your organization.  

Activities and Resources

  • Continuing in the module after reviewing a resource or pausing for reflection or discussion
    • ‘When you are ready, click the Next button to continue.’


  • Recap of what the participant has learned
    • ‘Now that you have completed this module, you should have an understanding of [brief description of module takeaways].’
    • ‘In this module, you [brief description of what the participant did/learned].’
      • Example: Now that you have completed this module, you should have an understanding of three fundamental concepts:
        • First, the Ed-Fi Data Standard and Ed-Fi Technology Suite securely and seamlessly connect education technology systems, and enables the use of information in a meaningful way. This secure, seamless, and controlled connection of data between education technology systems is called “data interoperability.”
        • Second, technical standards make complex systems run smoothly, coherently, and efficiently for everyone. We see technical standards in our everyday life, in things such as barcodes, electrical outlets, and Bluetooth.
        • And third, Ed-Fi is a free and open-source data standard, with a community that openly shares interoperability solutions to advance the use of data for students’ success.
      • Example: In this module, you looked at each of the tools provided on the Ed-Fi Tools Home on the Ed-Fi Tech Docs website, and you created simple descriptions of each tool to give you a better understanding of each of them.
  • Module conclusion
    • ‘This concludes [module name]. When you are ready, we invite you to continue with the [nth] e-learning module in this course, in which we will [brief overview of next module’s content].’
      • Example: This concludes “Module 1: Understanding Ed-Fi.”  When you are ready, we invite you to continue with the second e-learning module in this course, in which we will demonstrate the many ways in which Ed-Fi helps support different types of organizations, including:
        • State Education Agencies
        • Local Education Agencies (such as districts and charter schools)
        • Educator Preparation Programs
        • And Education Technology Vendors
      • Example: This concludes the module. When you are ready, we invite you to continue with the second e-learning module in this course, in which we will focus on developing and refining essential questions.  
  • Course completion
    • 'Congratulations on completing [course name].'
      • Example: Congratulations on completing Ed-Fi 240 – Introduction to the Educator Preparation Data Model.
    • ‘Congratulations! You have completed all [number of modules] modules in [course name].’
      • Example: Congratulations! You have completed all five modules in Ed-Fi 101: Welcome to Ed-Fi.
    • 'Congratulations! You have completed [course name]. You should now have a better understanding of [summary of key learning outcomes]. [Description of next steps].  
      • Example: Congratulations! You have completed Ed-Fi 252 – Overview of Technology Provider Certification. You should now have a better understanding of: 

        • The value that Ed-Fi certification offer to both technology providers and their customers,  
        • The participants involved in certification, 
        • The major requirements for certification, 
        • And the certification process 

        For more detail on each of these topics, please visit the documentation linked in the Resources menu below. We also encourage you to reach out to your contacts on the Ed-Fi technology provider team to discuss next steps for Ed-Fi certification for your organization. 

    • End-of-course resources
      • 'In the Resources section below you will find some resources to learn more.'
      • 'In the Resources section below you will find a summary of resources and next steps.'

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