Data Requirements - Chronic Absenteeism-VDG
Data Requirements - Chronic Absenteeism-VDG
API Resource | API Resource Field | Required/Optional | Constraints | ODS Database Table | ODS Database Column |
/students | |||||
students | studentUniqueId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.Student | StudentUniqueId |
students | firstName | Required | edfi.Student | FirstName | |
students | middleName | Optional | edfi.Student | MiddleName | |
students | lastSurname | Required | edfi.Student | LastSurname | |
/schools | |||||
schools | schoolId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.School | SchoolId |
schools | localEducationAgencyReference => localEducationAgencyId | Optional | edfi.School | LocalEducationAgencyId | |
schools | nameOfInstitution | Required | edfi.EducationOrganization | NameOfInstitution | |
/localEducationAgencies | |||||
localEducationAgencies | localEducationAgencyId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.LocalEducationAgency | LocalEducationAgencyId |
/studentSchoolAssociatons | |||||
studentSchoolAssociations | studentReference => studentUniqueId | Required | edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation | StudentUSI | |
studentSchoolAssociations | schoolReference => schoolId | Required | edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation | SchoolId | |
studentSchoolAssociations | exitWithdrawDate | Required | edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation | ExitWithdrawDate | |
studentSchoolAssociations | studentSchoolAssociation | Required | edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation | EntryDate | |
studentSchoolAssociations | entryGradeLevelDescriptor | Required | must be from standard GradeLevel set | edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation | EntryGradeLevelDescriptorId |
/studentEducationOrganizationAssociations | |||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociations | studentReference => studentUniqueId | Required | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation | StudentUSI | |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociations | educationOrganizationReference => educationOrganizationId | Required | LocalEducationAgencyId from the edfi.LocalEducationAgency must match this column, i.e., the demographics must be tied to the school district that represents the overall scope of the starter kit | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation | EducationOrganizationId |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociations | hispanicLatinoEthnicity | Optional | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation | HispanicLatinoEthnicity | |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociations | limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor | Optional | must be from standard LimitedEnglishProficiency set | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation | LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptorId |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociations | sexDescriptor | Required | must be from standard Sex set | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation | SexDescriptorId |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociations | races => raceDescriptor | Required | must be from standard Race set | edfi.RaceDescriptor | RaceDescriptorId |
/studentSectionAssociations | |||||
studentSectionAssociations | studentReference => studentUniqueId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.StudentSectionAssociation | StudentUSI |
studentSectionAssociations | sectionReference => localCourseCode | Required | edfi.StudentSectionAssociation | LocalCourseCode | |
studentSectionAssociations | sectionReference => schoolId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.StudentSectionAssociation | SchoolId |
studentSectionAssociations | sectionReference => schoolYear | Required | edfi.StudentSectionAssociation | SchoolYear | |
studentSectionAssociations | sectionReference => sectionIdentifier | Required | edfi.StudentSectionAssociation | SectionIdentifier | |
studentSectionAssociations | sectionReference => sessionName | Required | edfi.StudentSectionAssociation | SessionName | |
studentSectionAssociations | endDate | Optional | edfi.StudentSectionAssociation | EndDate | |
/studentSchoolAttendanceEvents | |||||
studentSchoolAttendanceEvents | studentReference => studentUniqueId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent | StudentUSI |
studentSchoolAttendanceEvents | schoolReference => schoolId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent | SchoolId |
studentSchoolAttendanceEvents | attendanceEventCategoryDescriptor | Required | must be from standard AttendanceEventCategory set | edfi.StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent | AttendanceEventCategoryDescriptorId |
studentSchoolAttendanceEvents | sessionReference => schoolYear | Required | edfi.StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent | SchoolYear | |
studentSchoolAttendanceEvents | eventDate | Required | edfi.StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent | EventDate | |
/parents | |||||
parents | parentUniqueId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.Parent | ParentUniqueId |
parents | firstName | Required | edfi.Parent | FirstName | |
parents | lastSurname | Required | edfi.Parent | LastSurname | |
parents | addresses => addressTypeDescriptor | Optional | must be from standard AddressType set | edfi.ParentAddress | AddressTypeDescriptorId |
parents | addresses => streetNumberName | Optional | edfi.ParentAddress | StreetNumberName | |
parents | addresses => apartmentRoomSuiteNumber | Optional | edfi.ParentAddress | ApartmentRoomSuiteNumber | |
parents | addresses => city | Optional | edfi.ParentAddress | City | |
parents | addresses => stateAbbreviationDescriptor | Optional | must be from standard StateAbbreviation set | edfi.ParentAddress | StateAbbreviationDescriptorId |
parents | addresses => postalCode | Optional | edfi.ParentAddress | PostalCode | |
parents | telephones => telephoneNumberTypeDescriptor | Optional | must be from standard TelephoneNumberType set | edfi.ParentTelephone | TelephoneNumberTypeDescriptorId |
parents | telephones => telephoneNumber | Optional | edfi.ParentTelephone | TelephoneNumber | |
parents | electronicMails => electronicMailTypeDescriptor | Optional | must be from standard ElectronicMailType set | edfi.ParentElectronicMail | ElectronicMailTypeDescriptorId |
parents | electronicMails => electronicMailAddress | Optional | edfi.ParentElectronicMail | ElectronicMailAddress | |
parents | electronicMails => primaryEmailAddressIndicator | Optional | edfi.ParentElectronicMail | PrimaryEmailAddressIndicator | |
/studentParentAssociations | |||||
studentParentAssociations | studentReference => studentUniqueId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.StudentParentAssociation | StudentUSI |
studentParentAssociations | parentReference => parentUniqueId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.StudentParentAssociation | ParentUSI |
studentParentAssociations | relationDescriptor | Required | must be from standard Relation set | edfi.StudentParentAssociation | RelationDescriptorId |
studentParentAssociations | primaryContactStatus | Optional | edfi.StudentParentAssociation | PrimaryContactStatus | |
studentParentAssociations | livesWith | Optional | edfi.StudentParentAssociation | LivesWith | |
studentParentAssociations | emergencyContactStatus | Optional | edfi.StudentParentAssociation | EmergencyContactStatus | |
studentParentAssociations | contactPriority | Optional | edfi.StudentParentAssociation | ContactPriority | |
studentParentAssociations | contactRestrictions | Optional | edfi.StudentParentAssociation | ContactRestrictions | |
/staffs | |||||
staffs | staffUniqueId | must be the local district ID | edfi.Staff | StaffUniqueId | |
staffs | electronicMails => electronicMailTypeDescriptor | must be from standard ElectronicEmailType set | edfi.StaffElectronicMail | ElectronicMailTypeDescriptorId | |
staffs | electronicMails => electronicMailAddress | edfi.StaffElectronicMail | ElectronicMailAddress | ||
/staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociations | |||||
staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociations | staffReference => staffUniqueId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation | StaffUSI |
staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociations | staffClassificationDescriptor | Required | must be from standard StaffClassification set | edfi.StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation | StaffClassificationDescriptorId |
staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociations | educationOrganizationReference => educationOrganizationId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation | EducationOrganizationId |
staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociations | endDate | Optional | edfi.StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation | EndDate | |
/staffSectionAssociations | |||||
staffSectionAssociations | staffReference => staffUniqueId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.StaffSectionAssociation | StaffUSI |
staffSectionAssociations | sectionReference => localCourseCode | Required | edfi.StaffSectionAssociation | LocalCourseCode | |
staffSectionAssociations | sectionReference => schoolId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.StaffSectionAssociation | SchoolId |
staffSectionAssociations | sectionReference => schoolYear | Required | edfi.StaffSectionAssociation | SchoolYear | |
staffSectionAssociations | sectionReference => sectionIdentifier | Required | edfi.StaffSectionAssociation | SectionIdentifier | |
staffSectionAssociations | sectionReference => sessionName | Required | edfi.StaffSectionAssociation | SessionName | |
staffSectionAssociations | endDate | Optional | edfi.StaffSectionAssociation | EndDate | |
/calendarDates | |||||
calendarDates | calendarReference => schoolId | Required | must be the local district ID | edfi.CalendarDateCalendarEvent | SchoolId |
calendarDates | calendarReference => schoolYear | Required | edfi.CalendarDateCalendarEvent | SchoolYear | |
calendarDates | date | Required | edfi.CalendarDateCalendarEvent | Date | |
calendarDates | calendarEvents => calendarEventDescriptor | Required | must be from standard CalendarEvent set | edfi.CalendarDateCalendarEvent | CalendarEventDescriptorId |
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