Summit 2024 - Project Tanager Workgroup


No attendance taken in the packed session.


Additional Notes

Several important questions came up around the OpenSearch integration, which will need to be addressed:

  • What kind of latency can we expect with the flow of data from PostgreSQL to Kafka to OpenSearch?

  • What plans are there for error detection (i.e. dropped records) and correction?

  • Can OpenSearch be used to support AI workloads over Ed-Fi data?

The Alliance has not looked into this. Potentially useful articles on the topic:

We also anticipate that the new Ed-Fi Data Management Service will be able to work with Elasticsearch instead of OpenSearch (they are close cousins).

  • Any concern about eventual consistency?

    • The only people who raised their hands are from states, which is understandable and not surprising. This is why we plan to have a simpler model running purely from PostgreSQL or MSSQL, without OpenSearch/Elasticsearch.

Other topics:

  • How will year rollover be handled?

  • Suggestion: for the spring release candidate, focus on LEA use cases rather than SEA, working closely with the managed service provider community.