GAT Meeting - 2022-08-25


  1. Welcome
  2. Update: Ed-Fi to CEDS SIG and Next Steps
  3. Deep Dive Discussion: EdTech Vendor Partnerships and Support
  4. Community Highlight: Managed Service Providers SIG Outcomes
  5. For the good of the order
    • Housekeeping
    • Follow-up and Next Steps

Refer to the PPT (which can be found here) for additional details on the meeting minutes and discussions.

When available, meeting minutes should be read, and any corrections sent to Maureen.


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Meeting Minutes

#2 Update: Ed-Fi to CEDS SIG and Next

Dean (CCSSO) hosted a meeting of Ed-Fi, CEDS, state CIOs/representatives (5) and vendor partners for 3 hours. During the discussion they shared challenges and opportunities as it relates to integration of Ed-Fi and CEDS and reviewed where they all were. CEDS is working on capabilities and future plans for future implementation.

Net positive step forward with some good takeaways between standard bearers i.e., USED, Ed-Fi, AEM. Dan (SEA) and David (Ed-Fi) from GAT also participated. 

Ed-Fi recognized there needs to be single point handoff point to CED to make state data usable -- or data between Ed-Fi and CEDS. Big space is around JSON working group and the states working to make that come to fruition.

Planned next step is to convene folks to work through timeline and determine leverage points of reconnecting  – EIMAC meeting in October, Summit in November, and then reconvene in February – want to ensure conversations and demonstration of progress.

While there have been conversations before between CEDS and Ed-Fi, this meeting included states and vendors. Ed-Fi priorities include how to best integrate vendor voice in these discussions with standards bodies and how to work together better.

SEA input: helps to have different perspectives as possible – states coming in with own architecture in mind and it is difficult to commit to a particular architecture – misunderstanding of what are we here to do – needed to be clarified i.e. integration of these two standards. We want the best of all technologies but need to go to different “stores” – seeing more and more CEDS requirements coming in.

Vendor input:  SIS get mandates all the time (for example districts in MS helping CEDS to build a rest API)

Next step is to have an hour dedicated to this topic after SEA Work Group meeting at Summit.

#3 Deep Dive Discussion: EdTech Vendor Partnership and Support

We want educators to have good access to good data and tools – what do teachers need to know and when do they need to know it.

Ed-Fi’s long-term reach goals by 2029:

  • 25 States (deeply embedded to survive changes in administration
  • 50 Large urban school districts
  • 30% of districts
  • 30 largest EdTech vendors (SIS, LMS, Assessment)

Strategies outlined below include:

More details in meeting PPT including how this impacts certification. See next slide for  information on each strategy.

  • The GAT asked for an update on strategies to prioritize our community's work with vendors.
  • There are complex problems to understand in that space, and in reviewing overall strategies in the work with vendors, we discussed one of them -- data profile challenges especially around variability, reliability, and granularity of data requirements many of us are contending with in various implementations.
  • Members of the GAT decided to undertake work sessions to understand and define the problem/problems with data profile requirements today, to break it down into dimensions, and identify steps we can take together in the community to work toward a better state to as to unblock and support the success of LEAs, SEAs, vendors, MSPs, and collaboratives.

#4 Community Highlight

Presented by: Jason Hoekstra, Ed-Fi Alliance

Managed Service Providers SIG Outcomes

  • Goals
    • Define pain points in implementing Ed-Fi technology & making available to community members as productized offerings
    • Provide input into roadmap – focus: deployment, automation, security, management, and other priority concerns
    • Discuss ideas and opportunities to unblock managed providers in ways that help them scale their offerings.
  • 3 Meetings
    • 1x Kick-off Tech Congress ’22 & 2x 75-min WebEx
  • Outputs
  • Findings
    • Managed Service Providers Need Automation Technology and Approaches to Reach Scale
    • Ed-Fi Technology is Core to Managed Service Providers
    • Product Roadmap Features
    • Security processes & communications
  • 2022 Roadmap Additions
    • Admin API v1.0
    • External Cache for ODS/API Platform
    • Single-Sign On for ODS Tools
  • What’s Ahead?
    • Data Import SIG – Sept/Oct 2022
    • Managed Service Provider Session – Ed-Fi Summit Nov 2022
    • MSP SIG 2023 – Jan/Feb 2023
    • Feedback in other forms – TAG, Tracker, Slack, etc

#5 Next Steps

  • The upcoming Summit, to be held Nov. 6-9 in Austin, will be the tenth anniversary of the first Ed-Fi Summit – registration is now open. Use GAT code (LEADERSUMMIT22) to receive 50% discount on the registration fee.
  • Maureen will follow-up on EdTech Vendor Partnership and Support discussion including GAT input.

Next meeting: