TAG Meeting 2022-06-16
TAG Meeting 2022-06-16
Eric Jansson
Ann Su (Unlicensed)
Owned by Eric Jansson
First Name | Last Name | Organization |
Marcos | Alcozer | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Josh | Bergman | Skyward |
David | Clements | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Betsy | Conti | Denver Public Schools |
Wyatt | Cothran | South Carolina Department of Education |
Matt | Criscenzo | Indiana University INsite |
Rosh | Dhanawade | Education Analytics |
Katie | Favara | Texas Education Agency |
Stephen | Fuqua | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Jean-Francois | Guertin | EdWire |
Eric | Jansson | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Erik | Joranlien | Ed Analytics |
Oscar | Ortega | Edupoint |
Jeremy | Perkins | Instructure |
Doug | Quinton | PowerSchool |
Andrew | Rice | Education Analytics |
Lucy | Saura | Lake Washington School District |
Audrey | Shay | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction |
Molly | Stewart | Indiana University INsite |
- Update on breaking changes / API evolution (including communication of data model changes)
- AMT direction (including API-first strategy)
Topic 1: API Evolution
There was a general agreement that some plan was needed and that something that resembled this was a good answer to those needs.
- Would LEAs update on every 2 years - seems overly optimistic. Maybe this need to be longer.
- Could result in managed providers supporting 2 production versions and possibly 1-2 dev versions. The number of prod versions could be longer if updates were not consumed and agencies stayed on older versions.
- States commonly need to maintain 3 versions, 1 current and 2 historical
- The discovery/metadata URL likely needs to be standardized as well, particularly given this change and breaking changes.
- API fragmentation is not are not a new problem, but introducing breaking changes could make it worse by providing breaks in the core standard.
- Introducing versions of subsets of the API could be helpful.
- Decoupling API code and ODS versions could be helpful for providers by allowing them to maintain the same ODS features while evolving the API.
Topic 2: API-first and AMT discussion
General strong agreement that API-first should be the model for analytics, and not direct SQL access. Some reasons were re-cited, but the meeting did not attempt to re-list all of them or review this general direction. Most comments focused on other aspects of this work:
- Is the expectation to have bulk end-point with JSON from other APIs? Goal is not to change the current API; this is just a tool which may leverage existing tools and move data from the API to fill the data lake
- Discussion of how extensions should work in this model.
- Discussion of adding event-driven processes for GETs: Streaming data out of the ODS/API into Kafka or another message queue as events that can be handled in realtime, instead of needing to extract data from either the API or the database.
- Some discussion of who would use this architecture and if it is therefore worth it to spend Ed-Fi development resources to build it. Several points
- Seen as too complex for most local education agencies: difficulty for agencies to access the skill set for some of this. There were some counter-examples of smaller districts developing capabilities cited.
- Such an architectural reference point might be useful for newer providers or large urbans, and that generally capability with data management and analysis was increasing for agencies.
- A fully deployable architecture might be expensive: are there other aspects of the Ed-Fi roadmap that could use the focus instead of this.
- EA mentioned that they are releasing a version of this under an open license as well that could play the role of organizing community activity.
- The Alliance is looking to better document the core use cases that drive Ed-Fi, and that a reference architecture provides a way to do that in code.
- Some discussion of the possible technical candidates for the various parts of the proposed reference architecture and project.
, multiple selections available,
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