PostSecondary Event Interchange - v2.1

This interchange loads student post-secondary institution events such as application, admission, and enrollment.

Like all standard Ed-Fi interchanges, this schema references the Ed-Fi Core XSD and can be extended using the Ed-Fi Extensions Framework. See the XML Design & Implementation Guidelines for more information.

Use Cases

The Post Secondary Event Interchange can be used to:

  1. Exchange information about a student's application to a postsecondary institution.
  2. Exchange student admission decisions by a postsecondary institution.
  3. Exchange a student's selection of institution when admitted to more than one.
  4. Exchange a student's enrollment in a postsecondary institution.
  5. Exchange student applications for financial aid from a postsecondary institution.
  6. Exchange degree or certification awards earned by a student at a postsecondary institution.

Model Details

The following figure shows a logical view of the Post Secondary Event Interchange schema:


The following table describes the primary entities of which the Post Secondary Event Interchange is composed.

PostSecondaryEventThis entity captures significant postsecondary events during a student's high school tenure (e.g., FAFSA application or college application, acceptance, and enrollment) or during a student's enrollment at a post-secondary institution.

Extended References

This interchange includes the following Extended References.

Extended Reference NameDescription
StudentReference (in PostSecondaryEvent)Required. The student associated with the PostSecondaryEvent.

Descriptor Dependencies

This interchange references the following Ed-Fi Descriptors, thus requiring them to have been defined using the Descriptors interchange prior to this interchange. For more information on the Ed-Fi Descriptor Pattern, see the XML Design & Implementation Guidelines.

Descriptor NameDescription
AdministrativeFundingControlDescriptorOptional. This descriptor holds the type of education institution as classified by its funding source (e.g., public or private).
EducationOrganizationIdentificationSystemDescriptorOptional. This descriptor defines the originating record system and code that is used for record-keeping purposes by education organizations.

The following link is a ZIP archive containing the XSD for the PostSecondary Event Interchange v2.1 along with the Ed-Fi Core XSD:

A ZIP archive containing all v2.1 Ed-Fi Standard Interchange Schema can be found in the Download Directory.