Days Absent

The Ed-Fi “Classic Dashboards” are no longer supported through the Ed-Fi Alliance. You can still receive support and maintenance through the Ed-Fi vendor community. Please look at any of the vendors’ dashboard solutions on the Registry of Ed-Fi Badges or the Ed-Fi Starter Kits if you are looking for a visualization solution to use with the Ed-Fi ODS. This documentation will remain available to assist existing Classic Dashboard implementers.

Days Absent


The Student Days Absent metric is conceptually related to the Daily Attendance Rate metric and shares many of its properties. 

With access to daily attendance detail about a student, educators can view attendance patterns, including both excused and unexcused absences, throughout the school year. If a student’s number of absences approaches a campus limit, the student can be identified for immediate attention and intervention by a teacher, counselor, or other educator directly associated with the student. Aggregated at the campus level, educators can identify problem days of the week as well as other patterns in the student body as a whole. Aggregated at the district level, local education agency leaders can evaluate which campuses would benefit from programs and interventions intended to improve student attendance. Ideally, teachers and counselors would review student attendance daily, or at a minimum on a weekly basis, to address issues before attendance declines to a critical level.

Student Days Absent Metrics


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