Mini-Course Creation Process Overview


This section provides a high-level description of the typical process by which the Ed-Fi Alliance develops course content and produces course material. Each course is unique; accordingly, the process details may vary — but the information below is mostly true for most projects.

This page:


Phase 1.
Startup & Approval

Phase 2.
Content & Script Development

Phase 3.
Module Production

Phase 4.
Delivery & Acceptance

Phase 5.


The course is proposed and approved. Course catalog info is established. Key personnel and resources assigned.

Course content is outlined. Supporting material is collected and refined. Scripts go through successive drafts and review.

Content Lead develops course presentation and film footage; Production Team finishes course modules.

Web-ready course content delivered, reviewed, and accepted.

Course Catalog entry finalized and updated. Course published to Academy. 

Key Activities

  • Conduct Course Concept Meeting 
  • Identify content leads, reviewers 
  • Update Course Inventory spreadsheet 
  • Create course content Trello ticket
  • Draft Course Catalog entry details 
  • Approve course for development 
  • Develop course outline
  • Collect scrap, including documents, links, technology, and other resources
  • Conduct "Internal Brain Dump" meeting (Content Team + Senior Editors)
  • Develop detailed course outline in script format, including reference materials, draft visual, and workbook activities. (OPTIONAL)
  • Create script first pass 
  • Academy team reviews
  • Create script second pass (IF NEEDED)
  • Content Lead and Editorial reviews
  • Draft and review presentation
  • Draft & review quiz, test material (IF NEEDED)
  • Film draft footage
  • Circulate for review with final script
  • Compose final course content & ancillary material (PRODUCTION TEAM)
  • Deliver module to Academy team
  • Conduct final review
  • Note any issues for remediation on the next revision
  • Notify production team of acceptance
  • Course Catalog and Course Index updated
  • Send course material and final descriptive material to web team for  loading to LearnDash
  • Review loaded course against final scripts and note development and content updates required
  • Implement development and content updates
  • Verify updates
  • Publish course
  • Make any updates to prerequisites and course access
  • Update tags, metadata
  • Review online, note any issues for remediation on the next version
  • Notify all participants
  • Done!

Exit Criteria

  • Team assigned, course catalog entry drafted, course approved, course content development Trello ticket
  • Script approved
  • Production complete
  • Course deliverables accepted
  • Course online, available for registration