Document Creation Cycle & Responsibilities

All knowledge base documents created by the Ed-Fi Academy are reviewed at several points in the drafting and development process by the content team, SMEs, editorial teams, and general reviewers . The table below outlines a "typical" document review cycle.

  • Typical schedule. It typically takes between 6 and 8 calendar weeks from the start-up meeting (the start of the document creation process) to acceptance (when the document is ready to post). 
  • Lead Time. The "Lead Time" is the typical amount of time it takes to produce a certain draft.
  • Review Window. The "Review Window" is the amount of time given to the reviewers to provide feedback and comment.
  • Required vs. Optional Reviews. The Optional reviews are just that: optional. Team members will be notified that a new draft is available, but a review is not mandatory. The Required reviews are, as one would expect, required. The Academy team will hold up the production process if a Required review has not been completed.

ConceptStart-upContent DevelopmentPublication

Document Concept /Overview

Start-up MeetingDocument Draft Outline Internal Brain Dump MeetingDocument First Pass (1P)Document Second Pass (2P)Document Posting
Lead Time

2 weeks

1 -2 Week

1 week
Review Window

1 week 

1 -2 week
 Typical Assignments

Content Champion

Required AttendeeRequired AttendeeRequired ReviewerOptionalRequired ReviewerOptional
Content Lead/Team
Required AttendeeRequired Content ProviderRequired AttendeeRequired ReviewerOptional
Senior Editors
Required AttendeeDocument Creator/Editorial Reviewer (Optional to have Content Lead create draft outline)Required AttendeeDocument Creator/Editorial Reviewer (Optional to have MPIX or Content Lead create document first pass)Document Creator/Editorial Reviewer (Optional to have MPIX or Content Lead create document first pass)Document Creator

Required Reviewer

Community Reviewers

Required ReviewerOptional
Academy LeadRequired Attendee

OptionalRequired ReviewerOptional