Closed Source License Acceptance


The source code for some applications remains closed, with no current plans for re-licensing under Apache or other open source licenses. With the elimination of the traditional DocuSigned "Ed-Fi license" in 2020, those applications need to have another license acceptance process for end-users. As of July 2020 this applies to two products:

  • MetaEd
  • Data Import

Approved Process

The following process has been approved by the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation legal team ( TT-188 - Getting issue details... STATUS ):

  • Host the approved license text in Confluence.
  • Host the downloadable binaries / zip files in a "non-obvious" way (for example, do not broadcast download URL in a public way).
  • Hide the download link in Confluence.
  • Those who wish to download the installer package will be offered the chance to review the license text, click a checkbox saying that they have read and agreed to the text, and then click a submit button.
  • On submission of the simple click-through form, the hidden download link/instructions will be revealed.

How It Works

Make liberal use of Confluence features:

  • HTML macro to load the license text in a scrolling frame, so that the entire page does not require scrolling in order to see the license acceptance form.
  • HTML macro with a form and JavaScript to post the user's information to the Confluence functionality for sending a test email; that API function offers full access to send messages.
  • Page include macro to load the download link from another page; this content will be hidden by default, and made visible via JavaScript after submission of the form.
  • Download link will be in a page in the "_Site Assets" area of the Space, which is not discoverable via Confluence navigation.