Ed-Fi Software Package Distribution

Summary Recommendation

Distribute software files in the most appropriate channel for the class of software:

LicensePackage TypeRelease StatusDistribution Channel

.NET libraries and applications

JavaScript packaged with NuGet



Formal Beta

Other pre-releases

Azure Artifacts​


.NET application installers executables

Cloud ODS



Formal Beta

Azure Blob Storage
ApacheDocker images



Formal Beta

Docker Hub
ApacheDocker imagesOther pre-releasesAzure Container Registry
Ed-Fi Binary License - MetaEd, Data ImportZip fileAllAzure Blob Storage
Ed-Fi Binary License - MetaEdJavaScript packageAllAzure Artifacts with transition plan away from MyGet
Ed-Fi Legacy License - long-term support.NET libraries and applicationsAll

Azure Blob Storage with transition plan away from MyGet

Ed-Fi Legacy License - long-term supportCloud ODSAllAzure Blob Storage
Ed-Fi Legacy License - long-term supportDashboards (e.g. sample databases)AllLeave on AWS to minimize disruption
Ed-Fi Legacy License - out of supportAllAllAzure Blob Storage, possibly lower cost storage tier

"JavaScript packaged with NuGet" refers to Fix-it-Friday applications, which are bundled with PowerShell install scripts into NuGet packages for ease of distribution.


Too Many Solutions

To date, the Ed-File Alliance has used several different solutions for distributing software packages, including:

  • Confluence
  • AWS
  • Azure
  • MyGet
  • GitHub Releases

When we have a new project, where should we store the binary output for distribution to the community? We do not have a coherent strategy.

MyGet Quota

MyGet has been an important channel for releasing .NET packaged binaries. The current subscription is very low cost on a legacy plan, but requires frequent maintenance in order to remain below the 4 GB quota. A new strategy is needed for these packages.

New Licenses

The Apache license opens up new opportunities for public distribution of those packages under the Apache license. But what about other applications that are not under the Apache license - MetaEd and Data Import?

Requirements for a Coherent Strategy

  1. Choose the right tool for the job.
  2. Closed-source applications do not require authentication / authorization, but should not be placed in highly-visible locations.
  3. Must be able to automate pushing new binaries to the appropriate service.
  4. Must be able to set appropriate retention policies for pre-release packages (to be determined).
  5. For legacy applications, consider lower-tier storage options for cost optimization but do not spend much time on doing so.

Strategy by License Type

Apache Licensed Software

.NET Libraries and Packages

i.e. NuGet packages, including the PowerShell installer packages.

​NuGet Gallery
  • (tick) Free
  • (info) Good for high visibility discovery of packages
  • (info) Not ideal for high-volume pre-releases
Azure Artifacts
  • (tick) Much lower cost than MyGet
  • (tick) Good for all package types
  • (tick) Proven automation
GitHub Packages
  • (error) Difficult to use and only works for private packages.
Azure Blob Storage or AWS S3
  • (info) Very low cost but requires additional effort for serving packages

Pre-release packages will best be handled through Azure Artifacts. Released packages can be "promoted" to NuGet Gallery. This would require some additional engineering effort, with the benefit of greater visibility. If visibility is desired then it is a good solution. However, it would be simpler to consolidate only on the Azure Artifacts platform. The Alliance could store nearly fives times the amount of data on Azure Artifacts as it does on MyGet for the same low cost ($25/month). The cost savings of moving released packages to NuGet Gallery do not justify even an hour of additional engineering effort.

Anyone with older code will be hitting MyGet to retrieve packages, so leave it run and provide a transition plan.

Update TeamCity to publish packages to the new repository automatically.


  • Azure Artifacts
  • One-year deprecation notice for packages on MyGet.org along with instructions on how to change to the new repository

.NET Application Installers and Cloud ODS

Executable installers ("msi") for the ODS/API and Admin App.

​NuGet Gallery
  • (info) Not ideal for large files.
Azure Artifacts
  • (warning) Compressing an exe into a NuGet package requires extra handling by the end-user:
    • Download with chocolatey , or
    • Manually rename from .nupkg to .zip and extract files, or
    • Use a provided PowerShell script to download latest and extract.
Azure Blob Storage or AWS S3
  • (tick)  Easy to use
  • (tick) Low cost - Azure slightly lower than AWS as volume goes up
  • (tick) (info) Easy to automate - proven with Azure, assumed with Amazon
  • (warning) Download links in Confluence need to be changed every time a new release is available.
GitHub Release
  • (tick) Easy to use
  • (tick) Easy to discover
  • (tick) Low/no cost
  • (tick) Easy to automate / proven

Azure or AWS Blob storage will provide an easier end-user experience than a NuGet package at the cost of having to paste a new URL into a Confluence page for each release. Given the low release frequency this seems reasonable.

GitHub release works just fine in this case. However, it is not a good solution for anything else, and it would be preferable to consolidate platforms.

Use TeamCity to push new artifacts to Azure Blob Storage on demand, but not automatically.

Recommendation: Azure Blob Storage

Docker Images

​Docker Hub
  • (tick) ​Free for public images - but limited retention
  • (error) / (tick) Higher price than Azure or AWS for private repositories, though that includes CI/CD time and the cost is not very high.
Azure Container Registry
  • (tick) Low cost for private repositories when building on TeamCity
Amazon Elastic Container Registry
  • (tick) Low cost for private repositories when building on TeamCity
GitHub Packages
  • (error) High number of support issues and only works for private packages

Public images should go to Docker Hub for visibility. At only $25/month for five years on an annual plan, the cost to have unlimited image retention and a reasonable amount of build time is well worth it. Use of Azure or AWS would be reasonable and cost effective but drives more network traffic between TeamCity and the host, and lowers the discoverability of the images. 

 Original analysis...

Public images should go to the Docker Hub. Most likely we will need private image repositories as well, for integration/automation test deployments. Either Azure or Amazon could be used with (likely) similar costs; because of differences in base storage rate and data transfer costs it is difficult to compare right now. Either way the cost will likely be less than $10/month. Best to do a POC to evaluate ease of integration before selecting one.


  • Docker Hub for releases and official pre-releases
  • Azure Container Registry for unofficial pre-releases ("private")
Ed-Fi Binary License (new)
Azure Artifacts
  • (info) Similar visibility to MyGet, which has historically been acceptable.
  • (tick) Easy to automate - proven.
  • (tick) Easily retrieve "latest" version with a given URL.
  • (warning) Compressing an exe into a NuGet package requires extra handling by the end-user:
    • Download with chocolatey , or
    • Manually rename from .nupkg to .zip and extract files, or
    • Use a provided PowerShell script to download latest and extract.
Azure Blob Storage or AWS S3
  • (tick)  Easy to use
  • (tick) Low cost - slightly lower than AWS as volume goes up
  • (tick) (info) Easy to automate - proven with Azure, assumed with Amazon
  • (warning) Download links in Confluence need to be changed every time a new release is available.
GitHub Releases
  • (tick) Proven model
  • (error) Public repositories are "too" public, and private repositories require continued management of GitHub user access.

Similar to .NET application installers - Azure Blob Storage seems like a good and reasonable fit for this need.

Data Import is distributed as an executable installer. MetaEd has both a zip file and JavaScript packages (npm). The packages must continue to be distributed through npm. Anyone with older versions of MetaEd will be hitting the MyGet server to retrieve packages.

Update TeamCity to publish installers to Azure Blob Storage on demand, and npm packages (on demand/automatic yet to be determined).

For more information on license acceptance, see Closed Source License Acceptance. 


  • Azure Blob Storage for exe / zip files
  • Azure Artifacts for npm
  • One-year deprecation notice for packages on MyGet.org along with instructions on how to change to the new repository

Ed-Fi Legacy License

Long-Term Support

Those applications that are still supported - for example ODS/API - can be migrated to Azure Artifacts.

Out-of-support Packages

Legacy binaries on MyGet should be moved to cloud storage, possibly in a lower-cost (low usage / high latency) tier. These do not need to be advertised to the community. Even the old NuGet packages should be placed in blob storage, as there is no need to make them available via NuGet feed.

Recommendation: Azure Blob Storage

Cloud ODS

No change to current practice.

Recommendation: Azure Blob Storage

Dashboards (Legacy)

No change to current practice.

Recommendation: Amazon S3

Next Steps

Conversation between Chris Moffatt (Deactivated) and Stephen Fuqua on ,agreed to:

  • Azure Artifacts for NuGet and npm packages
  • Azure blob storage for other large binaries
  • Probable 1-year deprecation notice on MyGet

See Transition from MyGet to Azure Artifacts.


For more information on each of the evaluated storage options, see Background Research Notes for File Distribution.