Code Pipeline Security 2022


To date, the Ed-Fi Alliance has adopted many common best practices in its software development life cycle. The SolarWinds hack of 2020 was a powerful reminder that "best practices" might not be good enough, if there is not a deliberate and sustained effort to ensure the security of the "code pipeline" from so-called supply chain attacks. 

In 2022, the Ed-Fi Alliance will take a more deliberate approach to ensuring the security of its code pipeline by:

  1. clearly documenting all code security measures,
  2. identifying and documenting new procedures,
  3. developing automation techniques, and
  4. systematically applying all measures across all core Ed-Fi code repositories.

This work is about securing the source code and delivered products. This is different from application security, which is about the secure handling of data within an installed instance of a product.

Code Quality

As a secondary goal, this project will also include efforts to improve code quality through additional automation. Ideally, all coding standard guidelines for any language would be automated - thus taking the burden off the code reviewer. This will particularly be impactful when welcoming open source contributions.

Repository Scoring

In order to establish an objective measure of internal compliance, and track systematic progress toward full compliance, the Ed-Fi Alliance Tech Team will develop a scoring system that serves as a sort of checklist for improvement in each repository. Each Product Owner will have responsibility for compliance within repositories maintained by their team, and for establishing their own benchmark goals toward full compliance.


Other items may be added as needed.

  • GitHub Actions: ensure that Ed-Fi applies the best possible security around the use of GitHub Actions, so that we limit the risk of accidentally using a malicious action or allowing malicious pull requests. → Securing GitHub Actions
  • Dependency Scanning: detect third-party dependencies with known vulnerabilities, avoid or mitigate as appropriate, patch as soon as possible once detected. → Dependency Security Automation
  • Code Security: document and apply best practices for avoiding malicious injection of source code. → Code Security
  • Code Quality: take the human out of code review where feasible through integration of style, correctness, and standards-compliance checks in the CI process. → Code Quality Automation
  • Repository Scoring: develop a scoring process for evaluating and tracking a code repository's compliance with all security and quality policies developed above. → Repository Scoring
  • Supply Chain Integrity: creating provenance and software bill of materials artifacts for validating supply chain integrity. → Supply Chain Integrity



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