A newer version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is now available. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.

What's New - Release Notes

This section provides a comprehensive list of the improvements, updates, fixes, and changes in the Ed-Fi ODS / API v3.4 release, with links to the relevant issue in the Ed-Fi Tracker.

Patch Release - v3.4.1

Released 10/2/2020

  • [ODS-4562] - CallContext loses values for a previous context when the same value is set for another context
  • [ODS-4563] - swagger.json files are generated with the id field marked as required for POST

Ed-Fi ODS / API v3.4 - Release Notes

Important Epics

  • [ODS-3933] - Align ODS /API to v3.2b Data Standard
  • [ODS-3869] - Build and Deployment Pipeline for PostgreSQL
  • [ODS-3908] - Change Query Support in PostgreSQL
  • [ODS-3890] - Multi District ODS Support for Collaboratives

General Improvements & Enhancements

  • [ODS-2944] - Rename "Admin Web" to "Sandbox Admin Web"
  • [ODS-3177] - Add Config support for max Sandbox Per Client Setting
  • [ODS-3419] - Upgrade the Visual Studio Template Project to VS 2017
  • [ODS-3445] - Remove EdFi.Ods.Api dependency on Entity Framework
  • [ODS-3478] - Update solution packages
  • [ODS-3479] - Update swagger UI
  • [ODS-3523] - Build pipeline setup for shared and year specific instance
  • [ODS-3602] - Migrate composite integration tests to postman scripts - Composites constrained by Profiles
  • [ODS-3665] - Refresh security metadata cache
  • [ODS-3683] - Update the Nuget package name to account for long path error
  • [ODS-3696] - Better inform client when data is lost due to key unification issues
  • [ODS-3697] - Postman Tests for profiles and unique ids
  • [ODS-3762] - Improve startup performance with the OpenApiMetata data
  • [ODS-3763] - Updating Pipeline to be Async
  • [ODS-3774] - Migrate authorization tests to postman -Assessment
  • [ODS-3775] - Migrate authorization tests to postman -Student, Staff & Program
  • [ODS-3849] - Rename APILoader.Console to BulkLoadClient.Console
  • [ODS-3855] - Add Year to the Dependency Endpoint route for YearSpecific instance
  • [ODS-3862] - Change minimal template to Include only edfi descriptors
  • [ODS-3863] - Update Sandbox Admin to create test ed-orgs for sandbox
  • [ODS-3904] - Sandboxes Creation Timeout for larger dataset
  • [ODS-3919] - Migrate profile integration tests to postman scripts- Embedded & Profile definition Features
  • [ODS-3920] - Migrate profile integration tests to postman scripts- Profile definition Filter Child & Nested Collections Features
  • [ODS-3923] - Migrate profile integration tests to postman scripts- Profile assigned Callers & Profile-specific content type headers
  • [ODS-3958] - Support for Ed-Fi Project Templates in Visual Studio 2019
  • [ODS-4016] - Update cloud ODS build to use new backup based minimal template
  • [ODS-4034] - Migrate Change Queries integration tests to postman scripts
  • [ODS-4067] - Add Postman integration test coverage for change queries - entity full life cycle
  • [ODS-4119] - Update web config transform for cloud binaries to match enabled features

Bug Fixes

  • [ODS-3392] - Nested Commons from Different Schema Error
  • [ODS-3778] - Metadata for Ed-Fi Visual studio extension should be updated
  • [ODS-3857] - Fix Json response from the Dependencies endpoint
  • [ODS-3896] - Composite API fails to apply Profile-based member inclusion/exclusion and collection item filtering in certain cases
  • [ODS-3939] - Resources.generated.cs error when adding TPDM to ODS from dev-stable-v3
  • [ODS-4078] - Relationship-based authorization of resources with a related EdOrg and Person incorrectly only checks the EdOrg relationship
  • [ODS-4086] - Sandbox Admin - Account Activation and Resent Account Activation are not working
  • [ODS-4107] - Security Database Isn't Upgraded if Database Already Exists
  • [ODS-4120] - Fix LocalEducationAgencyIdToLocalEducationAgencyId Authorization Filter

Ed-Fi ODS / API v3.4 - Known Issues

The table below identifies key areas of functionality that are known to have issues in this release.



Tracker Ticket*

Endpoint /ed-fi/sections 

The locationSchoolReference field is unusable.

  • If both locationReference and locationSchoolReference are submitted, the locationReference school will be saved.
  • If only locationSchoolReference is submitted (without a locationReference), then it will not be saved.
  • If only locationSchool is submitted, the locationSchoolReference will appear populated on a GET.

ODS-3082 - Getting issue details... STATUS

PosgreSQL backed ODS In ODS API backed by PostgreSQL GET requests fail when a query parameter value is provided for a money type (e.g. Amount on Budget)

ODS-4263 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As reported by ODS-4154 - Getting issue details... STATUS generated SDK requires id field but the API doesn't allow clients to set id in POST requests. As a workaround, vendors sent empty string for id while using the SDK. Due to tightening of the model validation, API now rejects sending empty string in id field. Thus the previous workaround doesn't work. Cherry picking the metadata fix from ODS-4525 would resolve the issue. 

ODS-4525 - Getting issue details... STATUS

You can also view release information in Ed-Fi Tracker here.