A newer version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is now available. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.
What's New - Release Notes
Ian Christopher (Deactivated)
Vinaya Mayya
This section provides a comprehensive list of the improvements, updates, fixes, and changes in the Ed-Fi ODS / API for Suite 3 v5.3 release, with links to the relevant issue in the Ed-Fi Tracker.
Patch Release - v5.3-patch3
- [ODS-5528] - Swagger UI: Disable configUrl and url parameters
Patch Release - v5.3-patch2
- [ODS-5481] - Improve handling of proxy headers received from AWS Elastic Load Balancer
Patch Release - v5.3-hotfix1
- [ODS-4944] - NHibernate case sensitivity issue could break GET (/wiki/spaces/ETKB/pages/20874564)
Ed-Fi ODS / API v5.3 - Release Notes
Important Epics
- [ODS-5017] - Align ODS /API to v3.3.0b Data Standard
- [ODS-5019] - Bring in TPDM core as a Dynamic extension plugin
- [ODS-4970] - Authorization simplification for API resources via ed-org subtypes
- [ODS-4950] - Extension Plugin Build with GitHub Actions
- [ODS-4891] - Support for multiple database servers in ODS / API
- [ODS-5107] - PostgreSQL Support for Integration Testing
General Improvements & Enhancements
- [ODS-4238] - Integrate TestSdk Generation
- [ODS-4325] - Provide TPDM Claim Set
- [ODS-4671] - Update documentation to guide use of secret.json instead of appsettings.development.json
- [ODS-4753] - Deployment.psm1 Documentation Clarification
- [ODS-4817] - Authorization support for Staff via Education Service Center
- [ODS-4836] - Implementation Database Folder was Never Updated to New Artifacts Structure
- [ODS-4861] - Swagger endpoint in Docker does not work with the virtual path of docs
- [ODS-4897] - Sandbox Admin Installer doesn't support PostgreSQL backed installation
- [ODS-4902] - ReverseProxyTesting readme needs updates
- [ODS-4907] - Fix issue with long path names needed for log4net in DbDeploy
- [ODS-4909] - Default Assessment Claimset Can't Create/Update/Delete LearningStandard
- [ODS-4920] - Move data access functionality from EdFi.Ods.Sandbox to EdFi.Admin.DataAccess
- [ODS-4924] - Update Installers to include missing elements
- [ODS-4941] - Collapse EdFi.Ods.Security into a namespace in EdFi.Ods.Api
- [ODS-4949] - Modify Load Tools Script to Use dotnet CLI
- [ODS-4953] - Default appsettings should work out of the box
- [ODS-4957] - Convert reasonNotTested into a managedDescriptor
- [ODS-4972] - Make swagger year selection configurable
- [ODS-5007] - PUT doesn't return location header in v5.1+
- [ODS-5013] - Security Visualization utility and Graphviz
- [ODS-5026] - Create "Ed-Fi ODS Admin App" and "AB Connect" claimsets during the EdFi_Security database setup/ creation
- [ODS-5055] - Refactor the logic for checking existing .NET core SDK version
- [ODS-5063] - Expose InformationalVersion for extension models in version endpoint
- [ODS-5100] - Use EdFi.Admin.DataAccess and EdFi.Security.DataAccess packages in ODS solution
- [ODS-4715] - Add "schemes" to the OpenAPI Specification 2 with the https value
- [ODS-5056] - Allow suppression of in-memory caching of specific person types (Student, Staff, Parent) through a configuration setting
- [ODS-5057] - Reduce wasted memory caused by key length on Person cache's internal dictionaries
- [ODS-4896] - Upgrade log4net in DbDeploy
Bug Fixes
- [ODS-4763] - Publishing SandboxAdmin with Octopus requires a Sandbox by default.
- [ODS-4772] - Unable to load Glendale PostgreSQL database via Initdev
- [ODS-4818] - Swagger home page should show Identity API documentation only when the feature is on
- [ODS-4901] - ReverseProxyTesting is broken due to duplicate CORS headers
- [ODS-4910] - Year specific mode - xsd/ed-fi/files endpoint error
- [ODS-4925] - EdFi.Suite3.RestApi.Databases configuration doesn't include default connections
- [ODS-4930] - Code Generation does not work with Linux
- [ODS-4947] - Fix MSSQL Backup Path
- [ODS-4948] - Fix Restore-Database When Setting an Owner
- [ODS-4958] - Security Visualization utility is broken
- [ODS-4961] - instanceIdFromRoute is missing from the Composite Controller
- [ODS-4971] - Still Some SolutionDir Usages in Extension Templates and Composites
- [ODS-4989] - Bulk Load Client is not working 2022 Year Instance
- [ODS-4990] - Inconsistent data types - change-query available change version
- [ODS-4995] - Sandbox Admin no longer creates record in EdFi_Admin db for EdOrgId
- [ODS-5014] - Incorrect use of ContinueWith in ResourceAsJsonObjectModelBinder
- [ODS-5015] - API Shouldn't process etags in request body
- [ODS-5043] - Incorrect initialization of absoluteExpiration on PersonUniqueIdToUSICache causes Student/Staff/Parent cache failure
- [ODS-5052] - Security visualization utility runs into error when TPDM is on
- [ODS-5090] - Limit/Offset/Total Count incorrect with multiple enrollments
- [ODS-5150] - sandboxes have wrong grandbend isd namespace
- [ODS-5153] - Reset-EmptySandboxDatabase Is Deploying to EdFi_Admin_Test
- [ODS-4922] - CalendarDates Endpoint with LearningModality
Ed-Fi ODS / API v5.3 - Known Issues
The table below identifies key areas of functionality that are known to have issues in this release.
Area | Issue | Tracker Ticket* |
Endpoint /ed-fi/sections | The
| ODS-3082 - Getting issue details... STATUS |
You can also view release information in Ed-Fi Tracker here.
Find out more about what's new in the latest version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API: