What's New - Release Notes
This version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is no longer supported. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.
What's New - Release Notes
Chris Moffatt (Deactivated)
Ian Christopher
Owned by Chris Moffatt (Deactivated)
Previous Version
This is a previous version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API. Visit the Ed-Fi Tech Docs home page for a link to the current version, or the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for links to all versions.
Ed-Fi ODS / API v2.0 - Release Notes
This section provides a comprehensive list of all the improvements, updates, enhancements, fixes, and changes in the Ed-Fi ODS / API v2.0, with links to the relevant issue in the Ed-Fi Tracker.
Ed-Fi ODS / API v2.0 - Release Notes
New Features
- [ODS-421] - Incorporate API Profiles into the core code base
- [ODS-243] - Security Configuration Tool
- [ODS-176] - Support for GetByExample
- [ODS-503] - Add a tool for visualizing the authorization metadata using graphs
- [ODS-508] - Load Testing Performance Improvements
- [ODS-177] - Expanded support for cascading updates
- [ODS-481] - Enable T4 code generation on projects in both repositories (Ed-Fi-ODS and Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation)
- [ODS-486] - Convert NoMaliciousStringsObjectValidator to a DataAnnotations attribute-based validator
- [ODS-487] - Prevent redundant database calls resulting from cache misses on people
- [ODS-504] - Suppress Duplicate Descriptor Error Messages During Bulk Load
- [ODS-506] - Type and Descriptor Cache Improvements
- [ODS-507] - Async / Await Reconfiguration
- [ODS-516] - Make minor improvements to the ODS API code
- [ODS-517] - Error messages in loading descriptor xml files during bulk load
- [ODS-548] - Additional inverse indexes for ODS
Bugs Fixed
- [ODS-82] - Not all the References are being included in the body of the resource
- [ODS-84] - Update the documentation for a PUT
- [ODS-86] - Loading EducationOrganizations throws an exception with different EdOrg types
- [ODS-89] - AZ bug on staff edorg employment association
- [ODS-94] - Inconsistency around 403 and 404
- [ODS-95] - StudentCTEProgramAssocation references
- [ODS-98] - SchoolYear from URI (route) is applied as criteria for resource queries (query string)
- [ODS-136] - Student USIs are not retrieved as part of a GET call to StudentSectionAssociations
- [ODS-137] - StudentAssessment documentation missing references
- [ODS-147] - Remove EduID Local Login Script
- [ODS-148] - Fix invalid HowToDeploy.md file reference
- [ODS-170] - SchoolYearType Missing from Core Type Insert script
- [ODS-173] - Remove Dashboard specific views from Repository
- [ODS-178] - Self-referential foreign keys do not result reference properties on the resource class
- [ODS-184] - SDK Java generated files contain bug
- [ODS-185] - API SDK does not support bulk load
- [ODS-192] - StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation.SpecialEducationSettingDescriptorId optional in DS, but required in ODS
- [ODS-195] - Assessment Metadata Load using Bulk Loader
- [ODS-203] - EdFi_Admin name changes in support of School-level security
- [ODS-204] - Remove extra "/" in API route for out of box experience
- [ODS-213] - Documentation: Missing API annotations
- [ODS-332] - Set of references in XSD 2.0 final that have nullable mismatches in ODS 2.0
- [ODS-335] - Ed-Fi ODS 2.0 missing StudentLearningObjective foreign key to Student
- [ODS-336] - Ed-Fi ODS 2.0 missing StudentInterventionAssociation foreign key to Cohort.EducationOrganizationId
- [ODS-337] - Ed-Fi ODS 2.0 missing StudentCompetencyObjective foreign key to Student.StudentUSI
- [ODS-339] - EdFi 2.0 ODS missing Grade.GradingPeriodSchoolId for GradingPeriod FK
- [ODS-340] - Dependent tables should use term de-duplication
- [ODS-342] - Missing foreign key between CalendarDate and School
- [ODS-343] - Extra foreign keys (Academic Week)
- [ODS-381] - New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') "LOCALHOST"
- [ODS-382] - System.Net.Http.Formatting, Version=
- [ODS-383] - StaffSchoolAssociation - SchoolYear relationship should be required
- [ODS-388] - Can not create EducationOrganizationNetworkAssociation
- [ODS-389] - Can not create StudentCompetencyObjective
- [ODS-390] - GraduationPlanRequiredAssessmentAssessmentPerformanceLevel table is missing CreateDate column
- [ODS-398] - BellSchedule should not have direct FK relationship with School
- [ODS-405] - Descriptor table is missing unique constraint
- [ODS-406] - Sample data loaded during "initdev" can get out of sync with sample XML in Ed-Fi-Standard repo
- [ODS-407] - Updated API "Welcome page"
- [ODS-409] - When deploying the ODS database, it is always marked as transient
- [ODS-410] - Possible issue with upserts performed during bulk load
- [ODS-413] - Custom Descriptors with same Codevalue as other descriptors
- [ODS-424] - After adding an application, requires a browser refresh on order to view
- [ODS-425] - After deleting an application, requires a browser refresh on order to view updated status
- [ODS-433] - Update database name used for handling bulk transactions
- [ODS-435] - identities API issue
- [ODS-436] - Cache the Auth Token by Defaults within Core
- [ODS-438] - Error generating application key and secret
- [ODS-448] - Clean up vendors information added to the Admin database
- [ODS-449] - 2.0 beta ODS disability descriptors have little connection to Ed-Fi 2.0 schema
- [ODS-451] - "Prefer 32-bit" in EdFi.Ods.BulkLoad.Console
- [ODS-462] - Development Branch build failing using NCrunch
- [ODS-469] - Development Branch security tests fail in Developer local environment
- [ODS-472] - Remove DlpProtectedSettings and make it easy to deploy to the cloud
- [ODS-474] - NoMaliciousStringsObjectValidator is not threadsafe and causes IndexOutOfRange exceptions in Bulk Load console
- [ODS-479] - Incorrect error messages around "StudentUniqueID" and "StaffUniqueID"
- [ODS-483] - Test and verify 2nd extensibility example
- [ODS-484] - SecurityConfiguration tools won't work in the root folder
- [ODS-485] - Include Sandboxes to the list of application
- [ODS-493] - Embedded one-to-one object always gets included in generated artifacts for a Profile
- [ODS-509] - Student transportation extensibility sample does not build on latest development branch
- [ODS-510] - Resolve issue reported with identity POST
- [ODS-512] - Regression in bulk load
- [ODS-514] - Force Console and Bulk Worker to run in 64 bit mode
- [ODS-515] - Incorrect explicit property implementation generated for excluded optional Resource reference
- [ODS-519] - Broken QueueLocatorTest
- [ODS-520] - DescriptorReferenceType with maxOccurs unbounded fails to recognized non default namespace descriptors
- [ODS-521] - CreateDate columns missing defaults on LearningStandardGradeLevel and GraduationPlanRequiredAssessment
- [ODS-524] - Cache the Auth Token by Defaults within Core
- [ODS-525] - Broken Swagger Profile Tests
- [ODS-529] - Missing StudentReference for StudentCompetencyObjective
- [ODS-528] - Missing Log4Net initialiser code in Bulk and Upload
- [ODS-530] - Incorrect Swagger Documentation for Creating StudentCompetencyObjective
- [ODS-531] - Add clickjack protection to ODS Admin Portal, Security Configuration Tool, and Key Retrieval Tool
- [ODS-533] - Mitigate Unsafe Authentication
- [ODS-536] - Missing StudentReference for StudentLearningObjective
- [ODS-539] - Descriptions not displaying correctly in swagger
- [ODS-542] - Upgrade Glendale (20K) data set to match final v2.0 schema
- [ODS-547] - Some ODS column descriptions don't match XSD & Model
Ed-Fi ODS/API v2.0 Beta - Release Notes
New Features
- [ODS-139] - Align ODS/API with the public release of Ed-Fi Data Standard 2.0
- [ODS-25] - Completion of the application-level security model
- [ODS-59] - Support for Assessment Vendor Authorization
- [ODS-19] - Ed-FI ODS API - Client SDK
- [ODS-24] - Enhancements to fully support the use of Ed-Fi descriptors
- [ODS-159] - Console application to create an Ed-Fi mapping template
- [ODS-186] - Security Refactoring and Support for School Level Security
- [ODS-160] - Perform base conversion to OWIN framework for Web API along with supporting changes to Dependency Injection framework
- [ODS-161] - Update unit tests and integration tests to use the test web server and test specific configurations and verify stability of repeated tests
- [ODS-201] - Improved support for UniqueId integration
- [ODS-23] - Support both Microsoft Azure and on-premises virtualization approaches
- [ODS-28] - Null gender now allowed for identity creation
- [ODS-29] - isMatch flag was added to the model
- [ODS-30] - error handling for duplicate natural keys improved
- [ODS-31] - Error messaging around identifiers improved
- [ODS-32] - GetAll re-enabled with LEA security baked in
- [ODS-35] - GetByExample functionality being added
- [ODS-43] - Enable data dependent tests using Grand Bend dataset
- [ODS-44] - Complete Code Generation Features for ODS
- [ODS-58] - [WI DPI] Remove the EduID_Db dependency from Ed-Fi API
- [ODS-62] - Unused interfaces and classes cause extraneous compiler warnings
- [ODS-112] - Enable easier addition of resource claims for all resources in the EdFi_Security database
- [ODS-134] - GetStudentsByKey should return a 404 if the student does not exist
- [ODS-162] - Remove global Test Users from database in favor of test specific credentials
- [ODS-163] - Perform test-specific deploy/cleanup steps for tests
- [ODS-165] - Remove dependencies on the IoC Service Locator classes
Bugs Fixed
- [ODS-13] - Rename WeaponDescriptor.WeaponsTypeId
- [ODS-27] - eTags not working properly
- [ODS-33] - Persisting of some aggregates causing internal server error
- [ODS-34] - Memory capacity on uploads increased
- [ODS-36] - Getting Started steps require running as an admin
- [ODS-40] - Latent pull requests from product maturation effort
- [ODS-45] - EduId Replacement doesn't have required data in tables
- [ODS-49] - remove unneeded migration package
- [ODS-52] - initdev Powershell failure
- [ODS-53] - Address deprecation of Azure SDK v2.3 in ODS Getting Started Guide
- [ODS-55] - ODS CI build failing
- [ODS-61] - Large Files ( > 1 GB) Fail to finish processing
- [ODS-63] - URI is optional in the standard but required in ODS
- [ODS-68] - XML Shredder does not honor Namespace for Descriptors
- [ODS-69] - Implement a cache miss strategy for descriptors
- [ODS-70] - Add namespace to Assessment Family for Domain security
- [ODS-71] - Domain security punch list from Ed-Fi review
- [ODS-72] - Domain level security does not allow GetAll on assessment tables
- [ODS-73] - Post-build steps fail when project directory contains a space
- [ODS-74] - Update NuGet package references to be consistent across projects in Solution
- [ODS-87] - Overflow of a decimal throws a 500
- [ODS-97] - contentStandard is listed twice in the metadata
- [ODS-103] - Remove Manage, Maintain, and Upsert actions
- [ODS-111] - Fix the metadata in the Other section
- [ODS-128] - Security for retrieving students inconsistent between GetAll and GetByKey
- [ODS-129] - Issue with retrieving a student using GetByKey
- [ODS-145] - StudentAssessment GetAll fails for local assessment vendors
- [ODS-158] - Rename WeaponDescriptor.WeaponsTypeId
- [ODS-172] - EduId_DB dependencies in EdFi_Ods triggers
- [ODS-179] - Could not create new people resource( student, Staff and parent) from ED-FI API
- [ODS-180] - UniqueId Not Found - Error While trying to insert Student, Staff & Parent records using REST API Service
- [ODS-194] - Error: "Could not load a file or assembly 'System.Web.Deployment"
- [ODS-205] - Getting Started - Unable to download Azure SDK v2.3
- [ODS-206] - Getting Started - Sample DB's need to be populated with Grand Bend data
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