This version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is no longer supported. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.
What's New - Release Notes
Ian Christopher (Deactivated)
Vinaya Mayya
This section provides a comprehensive list of all the improvements, updates, fixes, and changes in the Ed-Fi ODS / API v3.1.1 release, with links to the relevant issue in the Ed-Fi Tracker.
Ed-Fi ODS / API v3.1.1 - Release Notes
Bug Fixes
- [ODS-1879] - Swagger endpoint is missing the ids special parameter
- [ODS-2400] - Expando class used by Identities Api should have dynamic properties be case insensitive
- [ODS-2645] - Unable to Post Student for the first time after Creating Identity in EDFI 3.0.
- [ODS-2679] - SecureHasherRequest problem in SharedInstance mode
- [ODS-2686] - Addition to Common Type
- [ODS-2750] - Misleading error messages on Reset-PopulatedTemplateFromSamples
- [ODS-2751] - Create populated template is not using command line parameters being passed to it.
- [ODS-2773] - Invalid Conversion Code for Entities for DbType DateTime2
- [ODS-2774] - Adding a Common Reference to a Common Extension Fails at Xml Shredding Code Generation
- [ODS-2775] - OperationalContext data script needs updates for managed descriptors
- [ODS-2789] - Remove-EdFiSandboxDatabases powershell script checks for incorrect sandbox database names (v3)
- [ODS-2863] - Migration utility does not migrate data into v3 LearningStandardAcademicSubject table
- [ODS-2912] - The Swagger documentation appears to have mistyped a field
General Improvements & Enhancements
- [ODS-2179] - Develop a version endpoint to include data standard and extension version
- [ODS-2299] - Introduce EdOrg discriminator to allow for references to be resolved more easily
- [ODS-2579] - Convert the codegen of ResourceClaims into a sql file to be loaded independently
- [ODS-2589] - Expose the dependency graph as an api endpoint so the load tools can consume
- [ODS-2731] - NHibernate switch to MsSql2012Dialect to improve paging performance
- [ODS-2752] - Update swagger-ui version
- [ODS-2754] - Change LastModifiedDate and CreateDate to datetime2
- [ODS-2793] - Restore performance profile of high traffic logic mapping collections between resources and entities
- [ODS-2853] - District Claim Set Update for EdOrg -v3
- [ODS-2854] - Assessment Claim Set Update for Performance Levels - v3
- [ODS-2857] - Assessment Vendor Claimset alignment-V3
- [ODS-2873] - StudentAssessment student reference validation error
- [ODS-2915] - Migration utility support for 3.1.1
- [ODS-2924] - Enable cascade updates on sessions
Ed-Fi ODS / API v3.1 - Release Notes
Hotfix Release - v3.1.0.1
- [ODS-2809] - Provide a built in fix for initdev to work with visual studio 2017
- [ODS-2783] - V 3.1 Discriminator Issue - General SPA Not written
- [ODS-2796] - Extension name is Case Sensitive
- [ODS-2785] - Updating an existing resource to assign an embedded object value in v3.1 fails with a 500 Internal Server Error
- [ODS-2800] - Update the API endpoint version display to match the version in the URL
API Enhancements
The major enhancements are covered by the following Epics:
- [ODS-2420] - Fold Cloud ODS assets into ODS project -v3
- [ODS-2583] - Change Queries Implementation
- [ODS-1408] - ODS_API 3.1: Upgrade and Migration Support
- [ODS-1841] - Implement Support for Operational Contexts
- [ODS-2615] - ODS / API v3.1 Extension fixes
- [ODS-2776] - ODS / API performance fixes
Data Standard Support
Support for alignment to the latest Ed-Fi Data Standard is covered by the following Epics:
- [ODS-2348] - Align OSD/API 3.1 to Assessment Data Standard RFC
- [ODS-2668] - Align OSD/API 3.1 to non-breaking v3.1 Data Standard changes
General Improvements & Enhancements
- [ODS-1847] - Return the number of total results for any given API call
- [ODS-2543] - Add Default Values to Open API Spec for Offset, Limit, and TotalCount
- [ODS-2190] - Sandbox credentials Stored in Code Repository
- [ODS-2542] - Revamp Client-Side bulk loader
- [ODS-2201] - Bulk service aggregate exception not handled
- [ODS-2379] - Add Support for DateTime Data Standard Date Type (Core and Extension)
- [ODS-2384] - Data Standard Data Type "Date" Not Correctly Handled By ODS/API (v3.1)
- [ODS-2395] - Investigate details for support of date/time in the API (ISO-8601)
- [ODS-2694] - Integrate Typo Fix for AssessmentItem.AssessmentItemURI
- [ODS-2285] - Unicode in 3.0 ODS Extended Properties Script
- [ODS-2375] - Update default security for "Managed Descriptors" Based on Assessment Updates for v3
- [ODS-2619] - Update default claim sets / seed data for read-only learning standard access
- [ODS-2401] - Evaluate use of NHibernate discriminator for StudentProgramAssociation scenarios
- [ODS-2153] - Extension Data Requirements in API Implementation
- [ODS-1864] - Remove Extension Resource Claim Generation From Core Security Metadata Project
- [ODS-2269] - ODS/API Landing page has references to removed Assessment Composite
- [ODS-2278] - Profiles.xml installed using the VS Project Template is incorrect (duplicate name)
- [ODS-2332] - Invalid secret returned from the Key Retrieval Tool
- [ODS-2342] - References in resource model classes still produce link URLs for Ed-Fi ODS API v2.x
- [ODS-2501] - School year types incorrectly generated
- [ODS-2593] - learningStandards references not persisting for learningObjectives
- [ODS-2634] - Profile - Issue excluding property on extension
- [ODS-2636] - Visual Studio Templates For Extensions uses wrong version of NHibernate
- [ODS-2648] - Update school year set current school year sql script for platform deployment
Ed-Fi ODS / API v3.1.1 - Known Issues
The table below identifies key areas of functionality that are known to have issues in this release.
Area | Issue | Tracker Ticket* |
Composite | Enrollment Composite not working for YearSpecific Instance | ODS-3252 - Getting issue details... STATUS |