GAT Meeting - 2021-06-17


  1. Exchange Live 2021 Feedback and Summit 2021 Planning (Maureen)
  2. GAT Subgroup Group Report Out (Rick and John)
  3. Follow up discussion on Tech Suites (Troy/Maureen)
  4. For the good of the order (Maureen)
  5. Chronic Absenteeism Starter Kit

Refer to the PPT (which can be found here) for additional details on the meeting minutes and discussions.

When available, meeting minutes should be read, and any corrections sent to Chris.




Meeting Minutes

Agenda Item #1: Exchange Live Feedback and Summit 2021 Planning

Members shared feedbacks for Exchange Live and suggestions for future events.

  1. Pre-recorded sessions are very helpful to presenters.
  2. The format is more inclusive with a variety of sessions that accommodated wider range of experience with Ed-Fi.
  3. Participants missed the in-person networking opportunity where they could learn more.
  4. Hybrid format for future event can include virtual roundtables which are less formal and perhaps less expensive to host.
  5. Fall 2021 Summit is scheduled for November 15 – November 18, 2021, at the Hyatt Regency in Austin.
    1. It will be a virtual hybrid event.
    2. Governance Work Group and GAT in-person meetings to be held prior to the start of the Summit.
      1. Governance leads to determine need for meeting space.

Action item: Maureen to assess virtual and in-person attendance logistics for work group meetings.

Agenda Item #2:  GAT Subgroup Group Report Out

John Raub summarized the findings of the GAT sub-group on API performance and efficacy.  See slide deck for key points.  Discussion included the following points:

  1. Alliance can provide up-front help to SEAs to identify how to collect state data w/o customizations, with yearly reviews as new collections are defined.
  2. From a vendor perspective, it would be helpful if states used the most current versions.
  3. Jennifer agreed to post the top 5 issues and how the SEAs differ.
  4. Consider using a self-reflection report card to discuss progress and challenges as regards the sub-groups recommendations. May help signal GAT priorities and hold ourselves accountable.
  5. Methods for vendor onboarding - is it one-on-one coaching, asynchronous, partners helping with onboarding, community mentor – what works?
    1. Vendor dove in green with AZ and had to redo a lot of work.
    2. Captive audience in person training to delve deep is a preferred approach.
    3. Some success in TPDM with cohorts of vendors – Vendor bootcamp perhaps might be a future model.
  6. Use CCSSO (ad Dean in his new role) to keep states aware of the costs of customizations.

Action items:

  1. Develop Metrics for GAT subgroup recommendations and Hoshin approach as next steps. For the metric considerations, it would be useful to have baseline comparisons where that's meaningful.
  2. Do a deep dive at next GAT on vendor onboarding and discuss where there are gaps.
  3. Jennifer agreed to post the top 5 issues and how the SEAs differ.

Agenda Item #3: Follow up discussion on Tech Suites


Agenda Item #4: For the good of the order


Agenda Item #5: Chronic Absenteeism Starter Kit


Summary of Action Items:

  • Maureen to assess virtual and in-person attendance logistics for work group meetings
  • Do a deep dive at next GAT on vendor onboarding and discuss where there are gaps
  • Metrics for GAT subgroup recommendations
  • Jennifer agreed to post the top 5 issues and how the SEAs differ.

Next meeting:        July 22, 2021