GAT Meeting - 2019-10-02


  1. Ed-Fi Badges Program
  2. Ed-Fi Leadership Updates - Project Unicorn
  3. Governance Activities
    1. Standards Development Process
    2. Proposed Standards
    3. Upcoming RFC’s
  4. Ed-Fi Technology Show-and-Tell - Roadrunner demo

 Link to meeting PPT




Meeting Minutes

Refer to the meeting PPT for additional details on the meeting minutes and discussions.

When available, meeting minutes should be read, and any corrections sent to Chris.

Ed-Fi Badges Program

Cesare provided an overview of the Ed-Fi badging program that was announced at the Summit. See the slides for more details. A webinar is being scheduled for October or November as follow up. See Making the Ed-Fi Partner Program Stronger: A Community-Driven Initiative for more details.

Standards Development Process

Eric Jansson provided an overview of the Ed-Fi Standards Development Process that has been refined as part of the governance process.

Proposed Standards

Two RFCs have been operationalized via certification and in field work. The Alliance staff recommends promotion of these to a standard:

Based on feedback from the GAT, the Alliance will document the details of how the specifications have been operationalized before the GAT is asked to review and approve.

Upcoming RFC’s

Four RFC's are ready for review/approval by the GAT:

Ed-Fi Technology Show-and-Tell

Stephen Fuqua demonstrated the progress on "Project Roadrunner" - the implementation of the Ed-Fi ODS / API on PostgreSQL. 

The meeting was adjourned.