GAT Meeting - 2019-8-01


  1. Leadership Council update
  2. Work Group Activities
    1. Review and approve new WG charters
    2. Reporting & Visualization WG report back
    3. Health Metrics
  3. GAT membership rotation proposal
  4. Ed-Fi Summit Update
  5. Google Classroom SIG report back

 Link to meeting PPT




Meeting Minutes

Leadership Council update

See the meeting deck for a list of the members of the Leadership Council.

The first leadership council meeting was held in Austin on June 18th, 2018. The big take-a-ways and priorities from that meeting were:

  • Improving Schools – How can we leverage quality data and interoperable systems to help improve our schools?
  • Mental Health and Safety – What data and indicators do we need to be collecting to support health and safety for students and teachers? How do we ensure stability during natural disasters?
  • Whole Child – How are we supporting interoperability across systems (early childhood, foster care, health records, higher ed, etc.) to support the whole child?

Work group activities

The charters were reviewed and approved to send to the Executive Committee for final approval for the following work groups:

Billy Buchanan explained the processes developed for the selection/prioritization of use cases by the RV Work Group.  GAT members felt this was a strong approach.  Additional information can be found at

Rick Rozzelle went over changes to the Health Metrics and the current status.  As the work groups are being established their metrics will continue to mature as members work together to understand and address the category targets. Going forward, the GAT will review health metrics on a quarterly basis.

GAT membership rotation proposal

Chris shared the proposal of GAT members serving for two years with staggered terms.  There was a request to consider how to best ensure a balance among the different affiliations and roles of GAT members with this proposal – especially if the first group to turn over is selected through a randomized approach. 

Action item - the rotation process along with GAT roles and expectations will be documented and published.

Ed-Fi Summit Update

There will be work group meetings Sunday, Sept. 29 from 3 to 5 followed by a Happy Hour and Dinner from 6 to 7:30 pm.  The Ed-Fi Summit will be held from Sept. 30 to Oct 2, 2019.  Program information will be available soon.

Google Classroom SIG report back

The SIG (Special Interest Group) convened to address Ed-Fi integration with Google Classroom reported to the GAT.  Refer to this link SIG report out and the meeting PPT for further details. Three use cases were reviewed for Ed-Fi integration with Google classroom:

The SIG has completed its work, although more discussion will likely occur regarding what to do with the findings.

The meeting was adjourned.