RVWG - Operations

RVWG - Operations


This work group is part of a larger Ed-Fi Alliance governance model as depicted in the figure below. As such, it participates with other community work groups and the Ed-Fi Technical Advisory Group to provide input and feedback to the Ed-Fi Governance Advisory Team.  

Ed-Fi Governance Structure

The work groups comprise part of Tier 1 (Business Review) which consists of program area and technical group members to determine prioritized potential projects and data standard changes for major releases as well as functional minor releases.  Tier 1 sends its outputs to Tier 2 (i.e. the Governance Advisory Team or GAT) in the form of a project proposal. Tier 2 (Cross-Functional Review) provides a cross-cut impact analysis and refinement level.  This tier is made up of representatives from each work group, Ed-Fi technical impact representation, and Michael & Susan Dell Foundation staff.  Tier 2 reviews and recommends cross-domain project proposals for review and cost analysis by Tier 3.


Requests for decisions, feedback or proposed work are done by using a project proposal to define the request.  The Work Group reviews and discusses project proposals that are either created by the members of the group or that are passed down from the GAT for review.  A formal vote is required of the active voting members of the Work Group and a simple majority is needed to approve a recommendation regarding a proposal.

Working meetings of the Work Group may be in person but are recommended to be virtual and composed such that the members’ time is used wisely.  Working meetings should be no less than quarterly but may be more frequent as the need arises.

Annually, the work groups, Technical Advisory Group and GAT hold a Technical Congress.  The agenda is set by the GAT with direction/input from the Ed-Fi Alliance. Meetings are constructed to allow time for cross-group discussion as well as discussions within work groups.  Time is scheduled to onboard new members and share key information with all members. Project proposal reviews may also occur at these sessions


  1. There shall be co-chairs for the Work Group, as appointed by the President of the Ed-Fi Alliance.

  2. There shall be a Work Group Support Team of individuals that perform support the work of the Group as directed by the chairs. This support team is staffed with resources that are made available by the Ed-Fi Alliance.

  3. There may be subgroups formed as needed by the work group leadership chairs to address specific areas or topics of interest to the Work Group.

  4. The Ed-Fi Alliance President will appoint annually a chairperson and co-chair.  

  5. The Work Group general membership will be represented in decision-making and recommendations that require broad adoption.  The representation will be through the designated contacts for the education agencies.


The Work Group Support Team shall be responsible for:

  1. Scheduling the meetings of the Work Group

  2. Preparing agendas and materials for all meetings

  3. Facilitating the sessions of the Work Group

  4. Maintaining the minutes of all meetings

  5. Conducting research

  6. Convening Work Group information and practice-sharing sessions

  7. Developing tools or protocols to advance the members’ work.


Any interested education agency or vendor that is in good standing with the Ed-Fi Alliance may have representatives in the Work Group.  Members are responsible for:

  • Identifying the primary contact for the agency.

  • Providing input and feedback on proposals that are presented for review.

  • Registering and participating in the Ed-Fi polling process.

  • Participating in information gathering and use case definition.

  • Providing input and feedback on use cases and solution proposed roadmap and design.  

Membership in the Work Group is ongoing unless the individual requests to be removed from the membership roster or has not participated in Work Group related activities or conference calls.


The Ed-Fi Community is made up of technology and education professionals committed to making a positive difference in the lives of students. As such, the Community is open and welcoming by default. Even so, we have a few expectations we ask of our members, memorialized in this code of conduct.

This code applies to Ed-Fi Alliance core team members, technical contractors, licensees, contributors, and general members of the public who provide input and support for the Ed-Fi Community. By participating in the Ed-Fi Community, you are asserting that you understand and agree to these guidelines. The full text of this code can be found in the Ed-Fi Alliance - Code of Conduct. In summary, the code requests that members:

  • Be friendly and open.

  • Be welcoming.

  • Be considerate and respectful.

  • When we disagree, try to understand why.

  • Be mindful that we value transparency.

  • Be respectful of intellectual property rights


This Ed-Fi Community’s Intellectual Property Disclosure Policy (“Policy”) applies to each participant and community member (“Member”) of an Ed-Fi Alliance-sponsored community group or advisory group (collectively, “Ed-Fi Community”) affiliated with the Ed-Fi Alliance, LLC, (“Alliance”), a Texas limited liability company exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The Alliance provides a free K-12 education Data Standard to school districts and vendors (collectively, “Adopters”), and provides accompanying tools and materials through a royalty-free license.

The goals of the Ed-Fi Community include facilitating the adoption, implementation and use of the Ed-Fi Data Standard and other Ed-Fi tools to improve the functionality and interoperability of K-12 education data (the “Ed-Fi Mission”). The purpose of this Policy is to outline the expectations regarding disclosure of Intellectual Property (defined below) by members of the Ed-Fi Community.

Each Member is encouraged to share with the Ed-Fi Community Intellectual Property that furthers the Ed-Fi Mission, subject to the terms below. A Member shall only share Intellectual Property which is owned by the Member, or which Member has a license or other permission or authority to share with the Alliance and Ed-Fi Community.

“Intellectual Property” means any ideas, information, concepts, notes, designs, specifications, technical information, processes, methods, reports, software, flowcharts, systems or improvements, enhancements or modifications, assessments or evaluations, copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, uniform resource locators, trade dress, brand features, know-how, moral rights, contract rights and other proprietary rights of any type under the laws of any applicable government authority.

For any Intellectual Property disclosed by the Member through the Member’s participation in the Ed-Fi Community, the Member hereby grants the Alliance a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, publish, display, create further derivative works and sublicense to Alliance’s Adopters such Intellectual Property.

If a Member wishes to share with the Ed-Fi Community Intellectual Property not subject to the terms above, the Member shall first contact the Alliance to discuss the terms under which the Intellectual Property will be licensed to or shared with the Alliance and/or the Ed-Fi Community.

By participating in the Ed-Fi Community, the Member acknowledges receipt of this Policy and compliance with its terms.

Ed-Fi Community Intellectual Property Disclosure Policy


Revisions should be made in accordance with the New Work Group Chartering Process.

Version Date Comment
Current Version (v. 11) Aug 15, 2019 10:38 Itzel Torres
v. 10 May 07, 2019 20:03 Itzel Torres
v. 9 Dec 17, 2018 15:10 Itzel Torres
Updated Governance image to a native diagram
v. 8 Dec 03, 2018 08:37 rrozzelle
v. 7 Dec 03, 2018 08:33 rrozzelle
v. 6 Dec 02, 2018 13:43 Itzel Torres
v. 5 Dec 02, 2018 13:42 Itzel Torres
v. 4 Dec 02, 2018 13:26 Itzel Torres
v. 3 Dec 02, 2018 10:33 Itzel Torres
v. 2 Dec 02, 2018 10:33 Itzel Torres
v. 1 Dec 02, 2018 10:32 Itzel Torres

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