This page lists the domains, entities, and associations found in the Ed-Fi Unifying Data Model (UDM).
The Ed-Fi UDM is organized into domains. Domains serve to provide overlapping views of the data model and assist in its understanding and application. The following are the Ed-Fi Data Standard v2.1 domains:
- Alternative/Supplemental Services
- Assessment
- Bell Schedule
- Discipline
- Education Organization
- Enrollment
- Finance
- Graduation
- Intervention
- School Calendar
- Staff
- Student Academic Record
- Student Attendance
- Student Cohort
- Student Identification and Demographics
- Teaching and Learning
The following additional subdomains reflect specializations of Alternative/Supplemental Services:
- Career and Technical Education
- Migrant Education
- Special Education
- Title I Part A Services
These domains are organized into the 64 different domain entities and 23 associations listed below.
Domain Entities
The Ed-Fi UDM defines the following domain entities, each easily identified in the education domain.
- Academic Week
- Account
- Accountability Rating
- Actual
- Assessment
- Assessment Item
- Bell Schedule
- Budget
- Calendar
- Calendar Date
- Class Period
- Cohort
- Community Organization
- Community Provider
- Community Provider License
- Competency Objective
- Contracted Staff
- Course
- Course Offering
- Course Transcript
- Credential
- Discipline Action
- Discipline Incident
- Education Content
- Education Organization
- Education Organization Network
- Education Service Center
- Grade
- Gradebook Entry
- Grading Period
- Graduation Plan
- Intervention
- Intervention Prescription
- Intervention Study
- Learning Objective
- Learning Standard
- Local Education Agency
- Location
- Objective Assessment
- Open Staff Position
- Parent
- Payroll
- Post-Secondary Event
- Program
- Report Card
- Restraint Event
- School
- Section
- Section Attendance Taken Event
- Session
- Staff
- Staff Absence Event
- Staff Leave
- State Education Agency
- Student
- Student Academic Record
- Student Assessment
- Student Competency Objective
- Student Gradebook Entry
- Student Intervention Attendance Event
- Student Learning Objective
- Student Program Attendance Event
- Student School Attendance Event
- Student Section Attendance Event
The Ed-Fi UDM defines the following associations that have attributes.
- Education Organization Intervention Prescription Association
- Education Organization Network Association
- Education Organization Peer Association
- Feeder School Association
- Staff Cohort Association
- Staff Education Organization Assignment Association
- Staff Education Organization Contact Association
- Staff Education Organization Employment Association
- Staff Program Association
- Staff School Association
- Staff Section Association
- Staff Cohort Association
- Student CTE Program Association
- Student Discipline Incident Association
- Student Education Organization Association
- Student Intervention Association
- Student Migrant Education Program Association
- Student Parent Association
- Student Program Association
- Student School Association
- Student Section Association
- Student Special Education Program Association
- Student Title I Part A Program Association