Ed-Fi UDM Domains, Entities, and Associations
This page lists the Domains, Entities, and Associations found in the Ed-Fi UDM.
The Unifying Data Model is organized into domains. Domains serve to provide overlapping views of the Unifying Data Model and assist in its understanding and application. The following are the Ed-Fi Data Standard v2.0 domains:
- Alternative/Supplemental Services
- Assessment
- Bell Schedule
- Discipline
- Education Organization
- Enrollment
- Finance
- Graduation
- Intervention
- School Calendar
- Staff
- Student Academic Record
- Student Attendance
- Student Cohort
- Student Identification and Demographics
- Teaching and Learning
The following additional subdomains reflect specializations of Alternative/Supplemental Services:
- Career and Technical Education
- Migrant Education
- Special Education
- Title I Part A Services
These domains are organized into the 59 different domain entities and 22 associations listed below.
Domain Entities
The Ed-Fi UDM defines the following domain entities, each easily identified in the education domain.
- Academic Week
- Account
- Accountability Rating
- Actual
- Assessment
- Assessment Family
- Assessment Item
- Bell Schedule
- Budget
- Calendar Date
- Class Period
- Cohort
- Competency Objective
- Contracted Staff
- Course
- Course Offering
- Course Transcript
- Discipline Action
- Discipline Incident
- Education Content
- Education Organization
- Education Organization Network
- Education Service Center
- Grade
- Gradebook Entry
- Grading Period
- Graduation Plan
- Intervention
- Intervention Prescription
- Intervention Study
- Learning Objective
- Learning Standard
- Leave Event
- Local Education Agency
- Location
- Objective Assessment
- Open Staff Position
- Parent
- Payroll
- Post-Secondary Event
- Program
- Report Card
- Restraint Event
- School
- Section
- Section Attendance Taken Event
- Session
- Staff
- State Education Agency
- Student
- Student Academic Record
- Student Assessment
- Student Competency Objective
- Student Gradebook Entry
- Student Intervention Attendance Event
- Student Learning Objective
- Student Program Attendance Event
- Student School Attendance Event
- Student Section Attendance Event
The Ed-Fi UDM defines the following associations that have attributes.
- Education Organization Intervention Prescription Association
- Education Organization Network Association
- Education Organization Peer Association
- Feeder School Association
- Staff Cohort Association
- Staff Education Organization Assignment Association
- Staff Education Organization Employment Association
- Staff Program Association
- Staff School Association
- Staff Section Association
- Staff Cohort Association
- Student CTE Program Association
- Student Discipline Incident Association
- Student Education Organization Association
- Student Intervention Association
- Student Migrant Education Program Association
- Student Parent Association
- Student Program Association
- Student School Association
- Student Section Association
- Student Special Education Program Association
- Student Title I Part A Program Association