This section provides a complete list of all the improvements, updates, enhancements, fixes, and changes for v1.4 of the Ed-Fi Dashboards, with links to the relevant issue in the Ed-Fi Tracker system.
Ed-Fi Dashboards v1.4 Release Notes
Dashboards UI
Dashboard Usage Module Enhancement
(Contributed by Arkansas Department of Education)
Enhancements to the Plugin Architecture
(Contributions from Delaware Department of Education and Ed-Fi Alliance)
- [DASH-606] - Security Installation does not allow for any extended claim sets to be installed
- [DASH-695] - Enum Refactoring for IMetricNodeResolver
- [DASH-700] - Extend LevelCrumb for Plugins
- [DASH-701] - Plugin Area Registration
- [DASH-703] - Plugin Security
- [DASH-705] - Plugin support for HtmlTemplates
- [DASH-707] - Student Interceptor Extension
- [DASH-708] - Split CanBeAuthorizedAttribute into Claim and Delegate
- [DASH-709] - EdFiControllerFactory Area Registration
- [DASH-710] - Multiple Security Hierarchies
- [DASH-713] - Claim Validator Parameter Value Return Type
- [DASH-714] - Validate against StudentUSI
- [DASH-715] - Build Metric and Drilldown Urls in SiteAreaBase
- [DASH-718] - Plugin Configuration Specific Registration
- [DASH-719] - Claim Information Provider
- [DASH-720] - Plugin Print Styles
- [DASH-722] - Extend UserInformation GetEducationOrganizations
- [DASH-739] - RootMetricNodeResolver extensibility
- [DASH-758] - Add feature to add all ActionFilters to GlobalFilters
- [DASH-776] - Registration and controller factory assembly scanning not wide enough
- [DASH-777] - Remove hard depencies on Local Education Agency Id
- [DASH-931] - MetricTemplates from plug-in DLLs
- [DASH-942] - Plugin Embedded Image Provider
- [DASH-943] - Use Array Resolver to allow for plugin extensibility of UserEntryProviders
- [DASH-952] - Added a PluginStudentIdNameService into StudentRouteValueProvider
- [DASH-1000] - Plugin Embedded Resource Providers/EdFiGrid Column handling extension
- [DASH-1066] - Added infrastructure for handling downloading rtf files
Bug Fixes and Improvements
(Contributions from Delaware Department of Education, Nebraska Department of Education, and Ed-Fi Alliance)
- [DASH-712] - PreviousNextControl extensibility
- [DASH-716] - Plugin Extensions assembly preference
- [DASH-755] - Missing Security Unit Tests
- [DASH-773] - Goal Planning Service Sub Sonic Bug
- [DASH-914] - Export All functionality fails at district school levels in student lists (e.g. Students by Level, Students by Demographic)
- [DASH-1016] - Plugin scripts cannot resolve jquery & other scripts in Core/Web
- [DASH-1059] - Cleanup list of RouteFixtureBase Ignored Controllers
- [DASH-1067] - Dashboard Usage Plug in - Miscellaneous fixes in core
- [DASH-1075] - Principal can’t see teacher/class info
- [DASH-1082] - Fix unhandled NullReferenceExceptions
- [DASH-1091] - Dashboards v2.0 Deployment - Web App Compile Compilation error
- [DASH-1097] - Documentation/artifacts incomplete
- [DASH-1101] - Operational Dashboard - 500 Internal Server Error
- [DASH-1102] - Metric Action Student List - Not loading data
- [DASH-1105] - Release Build Failed - due to Naming Convention
- [DASH-1110] - School Level - Average Daily Attendance - The student attainment should show number of students
- [DASH-1111] - District Level - Goal Planning tab - School list not displaying
- [DASH-1113] - Metric Setting tab is not working, It's throwing error.
- [DASH-1114] - Dynamic Student List - Multiple header showing when filtering by Attendance Metrics
Dashboard ETL Metric Packages
Bug Fixes
- [ETL-1370] - Mismatch in Column Lengths between DDS and DDW
- [ETL-1374] - Resolve issue with downloading SSIS Multiple Hash V1.4.1
- [ETL-1387] - Incorrect order in Master_Dashboard.dtsx
- [ETL-1390] - Either Master_DW.dtsx or how-to documentation is incorrect.
- [ETL-1396] - SchoolAssessmentMetrics\Language Assessment fails against 2.0 EdFi_Ods_Populated_Template without changing error output on "Filter for the Granular Metrics for 1002"
- [ETL-1397] - Dashboard ETL issues