What's New - Release Notes
This version of the Ed-Fi Dashboards is no longer supported. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.
What's New - Release Notes
Ian Christopher
Itzel Torres
Owned by Ian Christopher
This section provides a complete list of all the improvements, updates, enhancements, fixes, and changes made after v1.2 of the Ed-Fi Dashboards, with links to the relevant issue in the Ed-Fi Tracker system. The release numbers included are:
Detail for each release follows.
Ed-Fi Dashboards v1.3.2 Release Notes (Latest Version)
Dashboards UI
Bug Fixes
- [DASH-672] - Add All Students to Watch List button not functioning
- [DASH-706] - EdFi Grid Horizontal Scrolling - Bug
- [DASH-721] - Trailing Slash missing on application Url causes error
- [DASH-725] - Added Missing Metric Template 1681
- [DASH-766] - College Entrance Exams metric headers have wrong css
- [DASH-915] - StudentMetricTable doesn't sort by Metric Value column - bug
- [DASH-981] - Teacher list drill down not centered - bug
- [DASH-984] - Students By Grade Watch List doesn't show after you create it.
- [DASH-1006] - Incorrect copyright notice on login page
- [DASH-1048] - Remove option to create dynamic list from School Information > Students by Grade and Students by Demographic
- [DASH-1049] - 3rd (Metric) Column Missing on Student List Drill Down for Several Metrics
- [DASH-1050] - My Student Lists tab on district level missing 'Edit Watch List' option
- [DASH-1051] - Teacher cannot view static watch list
- [DASH-1056] - Deleting, Renaming, and Removing students from static watch list not working on district level
New Feature
- [DASH-738] - Add ability to install named connections with persisting repositories
- [DASH-1047] - 'Maximize Grid', 'Create Dynamic List' and 'Shared List Search' options missing from student list drill downs
Dashboard ETL Metric Packages
Bug Fixes
- [ETL-1370] - Mismatch in Column Lengths between DDS and DDW
- [ETL-1374] - Resolve issue with downloading SSIS Multiple Hash V1.4.1
Ed-Fi Dashboards v1.3.1 Release Notes
Dashboard UI
Bug Fixes
- [DASH-702] - New Year's Eve Test Failing
- [DASH-704] - SiteAreaBase Extensibility
- [DASH-729] - Metric action titles containing commas, drilldown fails
- [DASH-912] - StudentSchoolCategoryList no longer lists school names
- [DASH-969] - Legend (bottom of page) missing text
- [DASH-974] - 500 error Grades Below C Level
- [DASH-975] - 500 error Repeat Courses
- [DASH-976] - 500 error Falling Class Grades
- [DASH-977] - 500 error Algebra I - 9th Grade
- [DASH-978] - 500 error Algebra I - 10th Grade
- [DASH-979] - 500 error Algebra I - 11th Grade
- [DASH-980] - 500 error Algebra - 12th Grade
- [DASH-983] - Attendance & Discipline Previous Grading Period
- [DASH-986] - Reading Assessments in Local Assessments
- [DASH-988] - Local Assessments - Learning Standard Mastery
- [DASH-991] - 500 error Credit Accumulation
- [DASH-992] - 500 error On Track to Graduate (4x4 Requirement)
- [DASH-993] - Student by Grade sort
- [DASH-728] - Quick Search can now search teachers by Identification Code
Dashboard ETL Metric Packages
[ETL-1319] - Create 1.2 Synonyms and Update ETL packages
Bug Fixes
- [ETL-1269] - Change datatype from int to nvarchar to match ODS for temp table in FactDiscipline stored procedure
- [ETL-1358] - AssessmentItemLearningStandard Loader fix
- [ETL-1361] - MS student Learning Standard Mastery: Mathematics
Ed-Fi Dashboards v1.3.0.1 Release Notes
Dashboard UI
Bug Fixes
- [DASH-540] - Code Analysis Warning - CA1058
- [DASH-543] - Code Analysis Warning - CA1065
- [DASH-544] - Code Analysis Warning - CA1414
- [DASH-545] - Code Analysis Warning - CA1500
- [DASH-600] - Service Interfaces are in incorrect namespace
- [DASH-604] - EdFiGridModel needs provider
- [DASH-605] - StaffStudentListModel in incorrect namespace
- [DASH-607] - Security Tests are in incorrect assembly
- [DASH-647] - Gap between headers in See More Data view
- [DASH-648] - Buttons are out of line in Customize View
- [DASH-663] - Lag time for Learning Standards drilldown
- [DASH-665] - Rows do not line up when scrolling - Learning Standards drilldown
- [DASH-671] - SAT metric and drilldown doesn't match
- [DASH-680] - Missing tab from Staff List - Customize View
- [DASH-681] - White Space in Learning Standards Mastery Drill Down
- [DASH-687] - Teacher Information - student list not populating
- [DASH-694] - Dynamic Watchlist view duplicates view headers when canceling out of the dynamic view creation
- [DASH-696] - Fix code analysis errors that are breaking the build.
- [DASH-699] - DatabaseMetadataListIdResolver extensibility
- [DASH-726] - Commented validators and validator fixtures in Core
- [DASH-731] - Issue with Sample Dashboard Database loaded during "Dashboard Getting Started Process"
- [DASH-751] - Potential security issue discovered related to top level interceptor
- [DASH-921] - No Goal Planning support at school level
- [DASH-396] - Appearance suggestion for menu of buttons on the student listing page
- [DASH-928] - Claims Authentication Comments are out of date
Dashboard ETL Metric Packages
Bug Fixes
- [ETL-805] - SchoolAttendance bug: Footnotes for Students Enrolled but not taking courses.
- [ETL-915] - SchoolCourseGradeMetrics Missing Reject Strategy
- [ETL-994] - SchoolBenchmarkAssessment-EdFi Exception
- [ETL-996] - Use of "Text" data type in Grade Table
- [ETL-1101] - SchoolCourseGrade Issues
- [ETL-1137] - StudentRecord dtsx enhancement- EdOrgId lookup, Follows issues #513 #532
- [ETL-1147] - StudentCollegeCareerReadinessMetric.dtsx
- [ETL-1148] - LocalEducationAgencyStaffMetrics.dtsx
- [ETL-1171] - StudentRecordAssessmentHistory AcademicSubject length
- [ETL-1173] - Look-up components set to Failure
- [ETL-1179] - SchoolContextContainer update
- [ETL-1180] - LocalEducationAgency packages Clean-up
- [ETL-1182] - SchoolAcademicChallenge update
- [ETL-1184] - LEA Context Container
- [ETL-1185] - Repeat Courses Context
- [ETL-1187] - SchoolCollegeCareerReadiness
- [ETL-1189] - Student current course not rendering correctly
- [ETL-1190] - Mismatch in StudentAcademicRecord Source for StudentGrowthMetric
- [ETL-1192] - Update StudentCollegeCareerReadiness package for College Board Exams
- [ETL-1194] - Student list drilldown does not match attainment numbers
- [ETL-1195] - 8th grade data appearing for HS metric
- [ETL-1197] - StudentDiscipline loader issue #603
- [ETL-1208] - Only SAT/PSAT/ACT administered in the current school year are displayed
- [ETL-1211] - Update MetricsDB Tooltip for SAT and PSAT
- [ETL-1212] - Update At/Above State Criterion Description for SAT and PSAT
- [ETL-1213] - Add Citical Reading to Import Ed-Fi Descriptor spreadsheet
- [ETL-1217] - StudentAttendance Loader producing Exceptions
- [ETL-1218] - EducationOrganization dropping LEA when No ESC is available
- [ETL-1219] - StudentEnrollment Loader datatype lenght fix for ResidencyStatus
- [ETL-1220] - StudentGrowthMetrics Package duplication error
- [ETL-1221] - Teacher Section School and EdOrgId not matching
- [ETL-1222] - 2011Fall Semester should read 2011 Fall Semester
- [ETL-1237] - StudentContextContainer Discipline context
- [ETL-1241] - StaffInformation Gender
- [ETL-1242] - Change Grandbend Build Thread Count to 1
- [ETL-1244] - EdFi.Etl.EdFi EducationOrganization.dtsx won't load LEAs without ESC reference (also no SEA reference handling)
- [ETL-1250] - Update MasterDashboard so that StudentContextContainer is executed before SchoolAcademicChallenge
- [ETL-1257] - MinmaxDate view
- [ETL-1258] - Change MaxconcurrentExecutable on School packages
- [ETL-1278] - SchoolAttendanceMetrics package is missing a join criteria to the schoolid when deriving and filtering on max attendance.
- [ETL-761] - PSAT/SAT At or Above College Ready Benchmark
- [ETL-979] - StudentAcademicChallengeMetrics package metadata mismatch
- [ETL-1203] - SAT - Add additional Assessment Title value to all Select statements
- [ETL-1215] - Allow for College Board's new PSAT Title to be used in the metric package
- [ETL-1216] - Allow for a new College Board PSAT title to be included in the StudentAcademicChallengeMetrics package
- [ETL-1224] - Create Tardy Attendance for Sample Data
New Features
- [ETL-1193] - Create New StudentAssessment Loader for CollegBoard Exams
- [ETL-1223] - For the AP and IB Student Assessement records, add an additional Assessment Reporting Method Type Id of '6' for the additional value of 'College Board examination scores' as a valid value to be included in the metric.
Ed-Fi Dashboards v1.3 Release Notes
Dashboard UI
Bug Fixes
- [DASH-399] - RouteFixturesBase does not account for extended controllers
- [DASH-401] - Missing error handling in EdFi.Dashboards.Presentation.Web
- [DASH-407] - AggregateStatus summary displays xxx of yyy twice
- [DASH-413] - Prior Year template for ParentMetricId 1340 is formatted incorrectly.
- [DASH-414] - Slowness in debugging
- [DASH-416] - Search results in IE moves "Staff" bubble to next line
- [DASH-418] - Search results display extraneous "Detail for Teacher" when searching by id
- [DASH-419] - School name with a long name does not wrap and causes formatting issues within EducationalOrganizationHeader
- [DASH-421] - MetricFootnoteLabelSuperText spacing issue
- [DASH-426] - StaffService Get method is not virtual
- [DASH-432] - Links are not shown on LEA Information page when user has ViewAllClaims at State level only
- [DASH-437] - Attendance drilldown and weekends
- [DASH-438] - Inconsistent conventions between StudentGradeListController and StudentDemographicListController
- [DASH-467] - Remove unnecessary files from Pull request #69
- [DASH-488] - Release builds of 1.2.1 Ed-Fi-Core and Ed-Fi-Apps fail on code analysis
- [DASH-498] - NA/None Doesn't work for Line/Point graphs
- [DASH-517] - Code Analysis Warning - CA2202
- [DASH-518] - Code Analysis Warning - CA2105
- [DASH-519] - Code Analysis Warning - CA1806
- [DASH-520] - Code Analysis Warning - CA0063/CA0064
- [DASH-521] - Code Analysis Warning - CA1000
- [DASH-532] - Code Analysis Warning - CA1026
- [DASH-554] - Code Analysis Warning - CA1822
- [DASH-561] - State Assessment Commended column not powering for Advanced Course Potential - Student Level
- [DASH-569] - Why there are two SolutionAssemblyInfo.cs files in Ed-Fi solution?
- [DASH-574] - Failing Test - When_Registering_LeaCodeProviderChainOfResponsibility
- [DASH-578] - Code Analysis Warning - CA2201 - Do not raise reserved exception types
- [DASH-588] - Dashboard Core Merge Issues
- [DASH-592] - Accountability data overwritten by base class
- [DASH-593] - Can not extend the StudentSchool.ResourceService get method to overload the behavior
- [DASH-595] - EdFiControllerFactory enhancement to support coexistence of plugin and extension controllers.
- [DASH-613] - Security Filter should check base classes.
- [DASH-616] - Etl Unit Handling of Multiple Files is broken.
- [DASH-617] - ClassAbsencesService overriding not functional
- [DASH-618] - Trend arrow alignments on EdFi Grid
- [DASH-619] - State Assessment Commended column not powering for Advanced Course Potential - Student Level
- [DASH-631] - Removing the outdated Petapoco #536
- [DASH-635] - Incomplete Interventions code was added to Core
- [DASH-636] - Error on LEA State Assessments when drilling into the school list
- [DASH-637] - Learning Standards Mastery action results in 500 error
- [DASH-638] - Ed-Fi Apps Repo settings clean up
- [DASH-639] - School Local Assessments Student List Drill Down
- [DASH-640] - 500 Error on teacher Log-in
- [DASH-641] - Reference ASP.NET MVC through NuGet instead of installed libraries directly
- [DASH-643] - Drop down selections act as filter for dynamic list, but filters do not populate
- [DASH-644] - Students by Grade/Level - student list not populating
- [DASH-645] - Students by Demographic-student list not populating
- [DASH-646] - Grayed out container metrics
- [DASH-651] - School list drilldowns populate incorrect HS principal
- [DASH-657] - Learning Standards Mastery drilldown not appearing correctly
- [DASH-661] - 2 principals listed at each school
- [DASH-664] - Selection of created dynamic list navigates to tab of origin
- [DASH-666] - The Objective is not showing - Learning Standards drilldown
- [DASH-673] - Principal permissions do not allow access to My Student List
- [DASH-674] - Teacher watch lists add all students no matter selection
- [DASH-675] - 500 Internal Server Error - Student Learning Standards Drilldown
- [DASH-688] - Accountability data overwritten by base class
- [DASH-689] - Code Analysis Warning - CA2201 - Do not raise reserved exception types
- [DASH-274] - Learning Standards Mastery Drilldown Metrics created in Delaware
- [DASH-393] - Dashboard Search by IdentificationCode
- [DASH-411] - Feature Dashboard side Claims Enrichment
- [DASH-443] - Dynamic Lists to show students
- [DASH-453] - Dynamic Lists
- [DASH-570] - Database-configurable list metadata
- [DASH-589] - Updating Student Demographic Menu Service in School and Local Education Agency to make them more extensible
New Features
- [DASH-579] - Plug-in Architecture
- [DASH-629] - Adding GetLink method to Links.cs #534
- [DASH-630] - Updating CSS, Javascript and Views in Core #535
Dashboard ETL Metric Packages
Bug Fixes
- [ETL-759] - Truncation of ProgramType
- [ETL-789] - Principal Name missing from Attendance and Discipline School list Drill down at District Level.
- [ETL-854] - Dashboard's domain.StudentIndicator doesn't have a PK
- [ETL-872] - StudentMetricAbsencesByClass has too much data
- [ETL-911] - Metric Threshold Package Modification
- [ETL-916] - Prior Year template for ParentMetricId 1340 is formatted incorrectly.
- [ETL-917] - Slowness in debugging
- [ETL-919] - Search results in IE moves "Staff" bubble to next line
- [ETL-921] - Search results display extraneous "Detail for Teacher" when searching by id
- [ETL-922] - School name with a long name does not wrap and causes formatting issues within EducationalOrganizationHeader
- [ETL-924] - MetricFootnoteLabelSuperText spacing issue
- [ETL-926] - The fact packages do not drop the tables created by the stored procedure as expected.
- [ETL-927] - Duplicate DimPeriod created for changing calendar
- [ETL-929] - StaffService Get method is not virtual
- [ETL-930] - AssessmentCategoryType XSD enumerations inconsistent with Ed-Fi Core Types.Data.xlsx
- [ETL-935] - Links are not shown on LEA Information page when user has ViewAllClaims at State level only
- [ETL-938] - FactLocalAssessmentBenchmark primary key violation
- [ETL-939] - FactCourseGrades pacakge inserting invalid value.
- [ETL-940] - Attendance drilldown and weekends
- [ETL-941] - Inconsistent conventions between StudentGradeListController and StudentDemographicListController
- [ETL-943] - Update Create Dashboard tables.sql
- [ETL-944] - Dashboard TeacherSectionId is causing duplicate id issues
- [ETL-969] - SchoolFootnoteContextContainer deadlock.
- [ETL-970] - Remove unnecessary files from PRETL-663
- [ETL-971] - Perfect Attendance using Daily Attendance
- [ETL-975] - Historical TeacherAttendance Records are not displaying on the dashboards.
- [ETL-978] - StudentCourseGradeMetrics.dtsx - LetterGradeEarned Case Insensitive
- [ETL-980] - SchooolCourseGradeMetrics.dtsx/StudentCourseGradeMetrics.dtsx - LetterGradeEarned Case Insensitive
- [ETL-981] - School Attendance does not consider 'SecondarySchool' Category
- [ETL-982] - FactTeacherAttendance DW Package Filters SchoolID = 1
- [ETL-989] - Incorrect School Attainment Count
- [ETL-1001] - NA/None Doesn't work for Line/Point graphs
- [ETL-1003] - FactCampusBenchmarkPerformance MinMaxAttendanceDate Failure
- [ETL-1019] - "Associate's Degree (two years or more)" not in Import Ed-Fi Descriptors.Data.xls
- [ETL-1031] - StudentCourseGradeMetrics.dtsx - Not returning # repeating courses for current school year
- [ETL-1066] - StudentAttendanceMetrics.dtsx fails if HomeroomIndicator is NULL
- [ETL-1068] - StudentDisciplineMetrics.dtsx/DisciplineReferrals excludes all incidents from StudentMetricDisciplineReferrals without IncidentTime
- [ETL-1071] - Daily Attendance Rate issue for Class Period Attendance schools in 1.2.1
- [ETL-1075] - LocalEducationAgencyInformation.dtsx Core Dashboard Package Extraneous Connection
- [ETL-1084] - StudentCourseGradeMetrics: Repeating Courses Context
- [ETL-1085] - Correct AcademicSubjectType Descriptor
- [ETL-1089] - StudentBenchmarkAssessment: domain.StudentMetricLearningStandardMetaData
- [ETL-1090] - Attendance Drilldown issue.
- [ETL-1097] - Multiple Grading Periods for the same date for same school
- [ETL-1100] - EdFiException Component compatibility
- [ETL-1104] - StudentCharisticsType and StudentInformation SSIS Package
- [ETL-1105] - CourseOffering in Master Schedule XML- Statewide courses
- [ETL-1111] - Core Dashboard ETL packages not using extended grade level descriptors
- [ETL-1134] - Teacher Section Discrepancy
- [ETL-1135] - StudentParent-StudentLanguage
- [ETL-1139] - FactLocalBenchmarkAssessment AssessmentTitle Length
- [ETL-1140] - XML Loaders Fix
- [ETL-1141] - StaffAssociation-HighestLevelOfeducation
- [ETL-1142] - AssessmentMetadata latest
- [ETL-1143] - StudentAssessment
- [ETL-1144] - Logging and Instrumentation SQLAgent Script
- [ETL-1145] - Master_EdFi.dtxs
- [ETL-1146] - Program Characteristics
- [ETL-1150] - Missing ImportTypes and Descriptors
- [ETL-1151] - StudentParent
- [ETL-1152] - Master_dashboard
- [ETL-1153] - Disabled metrics on UI
- [ETL-1155] - SchoolAssessmentMetrics Package
- [ETL-1161] - FactAttendance
- [ETL-1162] - Sample Data Re-Organization
- [ETL-1163] - UpdateGrandBendAppliactionDB
- [ETL-1166] - Incorrect data appearing in historical charts
- [ETL-1168] - State Assessment Non-Part. attainment does not match drilldown
- [ETL-1169] - StudentCourseGradeMetrics corrupted Algebra DFT
- [ETL-1178] - Brackets in SQL Agent Script
- [ETL-768] - Remove dependency on Excel for Type and Descriptor loader ETL
- [ETL-800] - Suggestion for Interchange ETL - Add Variable for XSD Path
- [ETL-853] - StudentCourseGradeMetrics - Need three additional Letter to Numeric grade interpretations.
- [ETL-957] - Learning Standard Metrics.
- [ETL-993] - Path Error: .xsd file could not find while deploying SSIS packages on SQL Server..
- [ETL-1127] - ETL Loader Optimization
- [ETL-1128] - StudentAttendanceMetrics Package Optimization
- [ETL-1129] - StudentRecord Package Optimization
- [ETL-1164] - Rename SQL scripts in Core Repository
, multiple selections available,
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