This version of the Ed-Fi Dashboards is no longer supported. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.


What's New - Data Store Version Support

Data Store Compatibility

The Ed-Fi Alliance is committed to providing backward-compatibility with recent versions of software, and to enable an easy transition to new versions of the data standard and related technology. 

The Ed-Fi Dashboards use an Ed-Fi Operational Data Store (ODS) as a data source, both to populate the student metric calculations and to provide fine-grained detail for the dashboard UI. As of v1.3.1, the Dashboard ETL is compatible with the Ed-Fi ODS v1.2 and can also be used with the Ed-Fi ODS / API v2.0 when used in conjunction with the Compatibility Views feature distributed through the Ed-Fi Exchange. The sections that follow provide detail on populating the dashboards from different data sources.

A detailed discussion of the approach to supporting multiple versions of the ODS can be found in the technical article Operational Data Store Version Compatibility Approach.

Populating the Dashboards from a v1.2 ODS Data Store

Some implementers may wish to update the dashboards to the latest code but continue to run on an Ed-Fi v1.2 Data Store. This configuration is supported, but requires the use of database synonyms to support the latest ETL packages. The following links provide useful details for this scenario:

Updating to the Ed-Fi ODS / API v2.0 from a v1.2 ODS

Some existing implementers may wish to update to the latest Ed-Fi ODS / API from an existing implementation using Ed-Fi ODS v1.2. Since the Ed-Fi ODS v1.2 implementation is a "Drop and Rebuild" process, to convert from an Ed-Fi ODS v1.2 implementation to an Ed-Fi ODS v2.0 implementation using the Ed-Fi Dashboard v1.3.x, the Ed-Fi ODS / API v2.0 must be installed first, followed by an update to the load process for the dashboards. The following links provide details: