SIS SIG - Meeting 3 - 2023.11.08


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First NameLast NameOrganization
MattHoffmanAeries Software
SeanCaseyEd-Fi Alliance
NateGandomiEd-Fi Alliance
EricJanssonEd-Fi Alliance
MikeMinutoEd-Fi Alliance
JeffPutnamEd-Fi Alliance
SayeeSrinivasanEd-Fi Alliance
MustafaYilmazEd-Fi Alliance

Support: Ann Su, Ed-Fi Alliance


  • Review outcomes/ideas from MSP/Data Providers Meet-ups at Ed-Fi Summit
  • Ideas about how to measure ROI from better SEA standards alignment
  • Sourcing ways to make an impact on state specifications for SY 24-25



Review outcomes/ideas from MSP/Data Providers Meet-ups at Ed-Fi Summit

On the topic of asking SEAs to integrate systems-of-record...

Driving SEAs to integrate systems-of-record is a good idea, but complex to execute as responsibilities are distributed across systems. Example cited was a record of all staff: most is from the HR system, but some are from the SIS only (e.g., sometimes after school staff are entered here). As a result, it is complex for the SEA to say who needs to provide the data. There are also issues with systems competing with the same records - i.e., both editing or deleting "each others" records.

Some ideas

  • Maybe recommend that SEAs have vendor  meetings for multiple kinds of vendors
  • Recommend various claimsets for SEAs, or use record-level ownership as a strategy
  • The possibility of some way to designate a primary source of data at the API level was raised - who wins, rather than the system that last submits.

Agreement that minimally raising awareness of the issue is important 


  • The Ed-Fi Alliance agreed to talk to a couple of SEAs to see what approaches they recommend and what their perspective on the issue is.
  • The Alliance agreed to raise the issue awareness in the SEA Playbook or elsewher

On the topic of more vendor involvement in the specs...
The general topic was about how achieve the connection between SIS systems and the data modelers? Technical problem-solving sessions / interaction there is critical. The goal should be to make these "working sessions"

ACTION: Ed-Fi to reflect this in its guidance

 SIS vendors also noted that MSPs are a big net benefit to the SIS and to this issue.

Ideas about how to measure ROI from better SEA standards alignment

SIS vendors have seen results of efforts over the last 10 years and states are doing better - definitely "having the effect"

How can we share and tell stories about what they have seen and done was raised as a topic. Two ideas were proposed:

  • Ed-Fi is doing SEA specs reviews currently - ask do blow post or article on the expereince of one of the states with this work
  • Bring back the SIS  Summit panel where SIS systems can have a greater voice within the community