SIS SIG - Meeting 8 - 2024.07.22


  1. Proposed credential changes - see slides



  • StudentSchoolAssociation and CalendarReference

    • General consensus is that this is ok as long as we are not requiring it as a natural key, changing the data model

  • timeType descriptor

    • Update from the data standard team: they acknowledged ambiguity among time-related elements

    • Plans are to remove the ambiguity with descriptor definitions (DS 5.2)

    • Apply a consistent naming convention for time-related elements (DS 6.0)

    • Data standard team will get feedback from the community on this approach.

  • Functionality required under certification is routine, repeatable, and at no extra cost

    • Group had concerns about the requirement that functionality be available at no additional cost, and did not understand what is meant by core ed-fi functionality. 

    • SIS SIG asked for more specifics around these requirements. To them it felt too broad of a statement that allows for any kind of requirement from an agency to made available at no cost. 

    • It was expressed that it should paired with a set of community defined use cases – and it was pointed out that those use cases are defined by the test scenarios in certification.

    • Clarified that this is only for functionality covered under certification.

    • Referred this to the GAT for their recommendation, should this be a requirement. 

  • Add historical transcript records to SIS testing scenarios

    • Clarified the need for this scenario came from Region 10 and the Exchange, and that the recommendation was updated to include more specifics around those use cases.

    • Suggested that this should test for being able to send the entire student transcript for things like student passport/backpack, portability.

    • One member raised that different types of graduation plans across geographies have different requirements and specificity. 

    • Goal of this recommendation is to demonstrate the capability to address those requirements and have meaningful defaults that allow for variation across areas. 

      • Green Light Export was shared as an example