Objective Assessment Entity

Key Concepts

The ObjectiveAssessment entity is used to capture the concept of sub-assessments or sub-test that are testing more specific student skills or capabilities.

In the Ed-Fi model, ObjectiveAssessments represent sub-scores, "strands" or other aggregate (but non-summative) units within an overall assessment. These are usually not item-level scores, but reflect values that are calculated or derive from a set of item-level responses.

To return to the original sample score report, we can see that the assessment results contain several such sub-scores:

Figure 1: Objective Assessments in the sample score report (denoted by the red rectangle).

In this case, the assessment is breaking down the report to have a sub-score for each learning standard, denoted by the references "3.0A.A", "3.0A.A.1" etc.

As the ObjectiveAssessment is just metadata, it does not contain the scores themselves - these will be captured in the StudentObjectiveAssessment object in the StudentAssessment API resource.

The JSON for the ObjectiveAssessment might look like this:

    "assessmentReference": {
      "identifier": "3b82bbde-674f-4fc7-b431-57327d59266f",
      "namespace": "http://mathwhale.com",
    "identificationCode": "3.0A.A"

In this case, the only required fields are the identity of the entity itself, which is composed of a reference to the Assessment and a IdentificationCode. For the code, we use the value that appears in the report, though if that value is not unique we might select another value (like a system surrogate key).

While this entity is "complete" in the sense that the API will accept it as is, we are not actually done yet. Move onto the next section, Performance Levels, to complete this JSON.