Freeing up Space on MyGet 2019-07-30

Message from MyGet: "You are at 91.04 % of your storage quota! (3.64 GB/4 GB)"

Manually cleaning up space by focusing on large packages and then deleting pre-releases. Deleted about 1,516 MB of packages or 38% of quota.


This is the sandbox admin tool. Initially represents 160 MB or 4% of total quota. Manually deleted about 87 MB worth of pre-releases.


The AdminApp web site currently represents 488 MB or 12% of total quota. Manually deleted 422 MB worth of pre-releases.


Each package 13 to 15 MB. Deleted five pre-releasese - about 70 MB total.


Again 13-15 MB. Deleted 5 pre-releases - about 70 MB total.

EdFi.RestApi.Databases.EFA 3.2.0

These are very large packages. We've brought the size down from > 70 MB in version 2.x to 31 MB in version 3.2. Total size: 884 MB or 22% of quota. Deleted 440 MB of pre-releases.


Package sizes range from 13 to 15 MB. Deleted 7 pre-releases freeing about 98 MB.


Range in size from 22 to 42 MB. 788 MB or 20% of quota. Deleted 254 MB. There are a  few 2.0.0.xy versions that only have single-digit downloads - could free another 55 MB possibly there.


Only three packages here, all from 2016. Each are 37.5 MB. One has never been downloaded and one only ever downloaded once. Deleted those ( and, leaving