Freeing up Available Space April 2019

April 24, 2019

Despite recently putting new retention policies in place, we received this message overnight:

You are at 90.65 % of your storage quota! (3.63 GB/4 GB)

This page documents analysis for proposed changes, as well as manual steps taken to clear up storage space. Analysis will focus on the largest files.


Since March 8 we have been publishing every AdminApp pre-release to MyGet. This is a large package - around 22 MB - and it already has taken up over 700 MB of storage space, representing 19% of available storage space. On average, each package has been downloaded 1.2 times.

The exe self-installer build process uses the MyGet feed as the package source, just as was done for the ODS database and API installers. Unlike the ODS/API, there are no public consumers of the Admin App NuGet packages. The process could be rewritten without needing a NuGet feed, thus allowing us to eliminate storage of AdminApp on MyGet.

AP-408 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The Cloud ODS build process runs its own builds of the Admin App website; while it does create a NuGet package, it does not publish it anywhere. The Octopus project for Cloud ODS retrieves that package and pushes it to Azure blob storage.

Manually deleted all but the most recent 2.5.0 and 3.1.0 pre-release packages.


These packages take up various amounts of space, mostly 20-45 MB. This package is taking up 28% of our storage capacity. There are old files sitting around that probably can be deleted. Can we delete all pre-release packages?