How To: Use the Glendale Populated Template

A newer version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is now available. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.

How To: Use the Glendale Populated Template

The Ed-Fi ODS / API ships with a sample dataset containing approximately 1000 students. For a variety of reasons, you may want to install a different sample database than the one that ships with ODS / API. This article walks through how set up the Glendale database, which contains approximately 50,000 student records, as your template for a populated database.

Step 1. Update the Config File

The "ApiSettings:PopulatedTemplateScript" key in <source directory>\Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation\Application\EdFi.Ods.WebApi\appsettings.json file configures the dataset for the populated template. 

appsettings.json Example
   "ApiSettings": {
        "PopulatedTemplateScript": "Glendale"

This tells Initialize-DevelopmentEnvironment which source selection script to run. If no script is provided, or the name specified does not exist, the Initialize-DevelopmentEnvironment will fail when trying to reset the populated template.

In development environment, you can use secret.json to override this setting to deploy Glendale dataset. In a PowerShell session navigate to <source directory>\Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation\Application\EdFi.Ods.WebApi and use user-secret CLI to setup the override. See Configuration Details - SecretManager for more details. 

Import the Initiallize Development Module
PS C:\Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation\Application\EdFi.Ods.WebApi\> dotnet user-secrets set "ApiSettings:PopulatedTemplateScript" "Glendale"
Successfully saved ApiSettings:PopulatedTemplateScript = Glendale to the secret store.

In non-development environments (usually staging or QA) that also deploys the populated template, you will need to add the same key to the file: <source directory>\Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation\Scripts\NuGet\EdFi.RestApi.Databases\configuration.json.

Step 2. Run Reset-PopulatedTemplate

In a PowerShell session navigate to <source directory>\Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation\.

Execute .\Initialize-PowershellForDevelopment.ps1.

Import the Initiallize Development Module
PS C:\Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation\> .\Initialize-PowershellForDevelopment.ps1
Importing Module: InitializeDevelopmentEnvironment.psm1
Using repositories from environment variable: Ed-Fi-Ods;Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation

Execute Reset-PopulatedTemplate.

Execute Reset-PopulatedTemplate
PS C:\Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation\> Reset-PopulatedTemplate
Using repositories from environment variable: Ed-Fi-Ods;Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation
Downloading file from https://odsassets.blob.core.windows.net/public/Glendale/EdFi_Glendale_v32-20190610.7z...
Download complete.
Extracting EdFi_Glendale_v32-20190610.7z...
Extracted to: C:\Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation\PopulatedTemplate\Database\EdFi_Glendale_v32-20190610.7z
Task                    TotalMinutes
----                    ------------
Reset-PopulatedTemplate       3.78

When the process successfully completes, you should see something similar to above.


The following GitHub link is the PowerShell script for Glendale Source Selection

Note: Glendale script is not ready for v5.2 at this time. It will be available at the time of release of Migration Utility for v5.2.

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