A newer version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is now available. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.

How To: Load the ODS with Sample XML Data using Bulk Load Client Utility

This article uses the core sample data released with Ed-Fi Data Standard v3.2.0-c. If you have an extension that extends core entities with additional required fields, the core sample data may fail to fulfill those additional requirements and fail to load.

This article describes the steps needed to populate an Ed-Fi ODS with sample XML data, using the Ed-Fi Bulk Load Client utility.

The steps can be summarized as:

Detail on each step follows.

Step 1. Build the Ed-Fi Bulk Load Client

  • Ensure that you have an instance of the Ed-Fi ODS / API running locally that has been set up following the Getting Started - Source Code Installation.
  • Within Visual Studio, Open Ed-Fi-ODS\Utilities\DataLoading\LoadTools.sln.
  • Select Build > Build Solution.
  • You can verify that the console application has been built by browsing to Ed-Fi-ODS\Utilities\DataLoading\EdFi.BulkLoadClient.Console\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\EdFi.BulkLoadClient.Console.exe

Step 2. Download Scripts and Sample Data

  • Download and Extract Ed-Fi-SampleDataLoad.zip to a local folder. We recommend C:\Ed-Fi-SampleDataLoad.
    Ed-Fi-SampleDataLoad.zip contains all the scripts and directory structure used in this how-to article.

  • Download the Sample XML to Ed-Fi-SampleDataLoad\Sample XML

  • Download the Descriptors to Ed-Fi-SampleDataLoad\Bootstrap

  • Move the following files from Ed-Fi-SampleDataLoad\Sample XML to Ed-Fi-SampleDataLoad\Bootstrap

    • Standards.xml

    • EducationOrganization.xml

    • CreditCategoryDescriptor.xml
    • IndicatorDescriptor.xml
    • IndicatorGroupDescriptor.xml
    • IndicatorLevelDescriptor.xml
    • ProgramCharacteristicDescriptor.xml

The Bootstrap folder is used to load the necessary Descriptors and Education Organization used by the ODS / API. Since they require a special claimset (enabled in Step 4, below) they must be loaded separately from the other sample files.

Step 3. Create an Empty Sandbox

  • Open a PowerShell session.
  • Navigate to \Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation\ directory 
  • Execute .\Initialize-PowershellForDevelopment.ps1 and then Reset-EmptySandboxDatabase.

    The script will create EdFi_Ods_Sandbox_Empty Database.

Step 4. Create API Client for Empty Sandbox

  • Execute CreateApiClientforEmptySandbox.sql by opening the file in SSMS and clicking Execute. This will create claims needed to access EdFi_Ods_Sandbox_Empty ODS.

    USE [EdFi_Admin]
    DECLARE @VendorName nvarchar(150) = 'Empty Test Vendor'
    DECLARE @NamespacePrefix nvarchar (255) = 'uri://ed-fi.org'
    DECLARE @NamespacePrefixEdu nvarchar (255) = 'uri://gbisd.edu'
    DECLARE @UserFullName varchar(150) = 'Empty Test User'
    DECLARE @UserEmailAddress varchar(150) = 'emptytest@ed-fi.org'
    DECLARE @ApplicationName nvarchar(255) = 'Default Sandbox Application Empty'
    DECLARE @ClaimSetName nvarchar(255) = 'Bootstrap Descriptors and EdOrgs'
    DECLARE @ApiClientName nvarchar(50) = 'Empty Demonstration Sandbox'
    DECLARE @EducationOrganizationId int = 255901 --Must be an ed-org in the ODS
    DECLARE @Key nvarchar(50) = 'empty'
    DECLARE @Secret nvarchar(100) = 'emptySecret'
    DECLARE @IsPopulatedSandbox bit = 0
    -- For Shared/YearSpecific/DistrictSpecific
    -- For Sandbox
    DECLARE @UseSandbox bit = 1
    DECLARE @VendorId int
    DECLARE @UserId int
    DECLARE @ApplicationId int
    DECLARE @ApplicationEducationOrganizationId int
    DECLARE @ApiClientId int
    -- Clear @IsPopulatedSandbox if not using sandbox
    IF (@UseSandbox = 0)
        SET @IsPopulatedSandbox = 0
    -- Ensure Vendor exists
    SELECT @VendorId = VendorId FROM [dbo].[Vendors] WHERE VendorName = @VendorName
    IF(@VendorId IS NULL)
        INSERT INTO [dbo].[Vendors] (VendorName)
        VALUES (@VendorName)
        SET @VendorId = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
    -- Ensure correct namespace prefixes are set up
    DELETE FROM [dbo].[VendorNamespacePrefixes] WHERE Vendor_VendorId = @VendorId
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[VendorNamespacePrefixes] (Vendor_VendorId, NamespacePrefix)
    VALUES (@VendorId, @NamespacePrefix)
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[VendorNamespacePrefixes] (Vendor_VendorId, NamespacePrefix)
    VALUES (@VendorId, @NamespacePrefixEdu) 
    -- Ensure User exists for test Vendor
    SELECT @UserId = UserId FROM [dbo].[Users] WHERE FullName = @UserFullName AND Vendor_VendorId = @VendorId
    IF(@UserId IS NULL)
        INSERT INTO [dbo].[Users] (Email, FullName, Vendor_VendorId)
        VALUES (@UserEmailAddress, @UserFullName, @VendorId)
        SET @UserId = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
        UPDATE [dbo].[Users] SET Email = @UserEmailAddress WHERE UserId = @UserId
    -- Ensure Application exists
    SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM [dbo].[Applications] WHERE ApplicationName = @ApplicationName AND Vendor_VendorId = @VendorId
    IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL)
        INSERT INTO [dbo].[Applications] (ApplicationName, Vendor_VendorId, ClaimSetName)
        VALUES (@ApplicationName, @VendorId, @ClaimSetName)
        SET @ApplicationId = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
        UPDATE [dbo].[Applications] SET ClaimSetName = @ClaimSetName WHERE ApplicationId = @ApplicationId
    -- Ensure ApiClient exists
    SELECT @ApiClientId = ApiClientId FROM [dbo].[ApiClients] WHERE Application_ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND [Name] = @ApiClientName
    IF(@ApiClientId IS NULL)
        INSERT INTO [dbo].[ApiClients] ([Key], [Secret], [Name], IsApproved, UseSandbox, SandboxType, Application_ApplicationId, User_UserId, SecretIsHashed)
        VALUES (@Key, @Secret, @ApiClientName, 1, @UseSandbox, @IsPopulatedSandbox, @ApplicationId, @UserId, 0)
        SET @ApiClientId = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
        UPDATE [dbo].[ApiClients] SET [Key] = @Key, [Secret] = @Secret, UseSandbox = @UseSandbox, SandboxType = @IsPopulatedSandbox, User_UserId = @UserId, SecretIsHashed = 0 WHERE ApiClientId = @ApiClientId
    IF (@EducationOrganizationId IS NOT NULL)
        -- Clear all education organization links for the selected application
        DELETE acaeo
        FROM dbo.ApiClientApplicationEducationOrganizations acaeo
        INNER JOIN dbo.ApplicationEducationOrganizations aeo
        ON acaeo.ApplicationEducationOrganization_ApplicationEducationOrganizationId = aeo.ApplicationEducationOrganizationId
        WHERE aeo.Application_ApplicationId = @ApplicationId
        DELETE FROM [dbo].[ApplicationEducationOrganizations] WHERE Application_ApplicationId = @ApplicationId
        -- Ensure correct education organizations are set up
        INSERT INTO [dbo].[ApplicationEducationOrganizations] (EducationOrganizationId, Application_ApplicationId)
        VALUES (@EducationOrganizationId, @ApplicationId)
        SELECT @ApplicationEducationOrganizationId = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
        INSERT INTO [dbo].[ApiClientApplicationEducationOrganizations] (ApplicationEducationOrganization_ApplicationEducationOrganizationId, ApiClient_ApiClientId)
        VALUES (@ApplicationEducationOrganizationId, @ApiClientId)

Step 5. Run the Bootstrap Script to Load Descriptors, Standards and Education Organizations

  • Open a PowerShell session.
  • Navigate to Ed-Fi-SampleDataLoad directory (e.g., C:\Ed-Fi-SampleDataLoad).
  • Execute LoadBootstrapData.ps1.

    The script will run the Bulk Load Client loading data from the Bootstrap folder to the Empty Sandbox Database.

    If your local copy of EdFi.BulkLoadClient.Console.exe is in a different location than the root of the drive, you can modify the LoadBootstrapData.ps1 script to adjust. The script contains a parameter that defines the local path to the Ed-Fi-ODS repository. This is set by default to C:\Ed-Fi-ODS but can be changed to be appropriate for your environment.

Step 6. Update Claim Set to Load Sample Data

  • Execute EnableSandboxClaimsetAndEducationOrganization.sql by opening the file in SSMS and clicking Execute. This will change the claim set for the empty sandbox database you created in step 4 to the Ed-Fi Sandbox claimset.

    USE [EdFi_Admin]
    UPDATE [dbo].[Applications]
    SET [ClaimSetName] = 'Ed-Fi Sandbox'
    WHERE [ApplicationName] = 'Default Sandbox Application Empty'

Step 7. Run the Bootstrap Script to Load Sample Data

  • Restart the instance of the Ed-Fi ODS / API running locally again to refresh the claims.
  • Open a PowerShell session.
  • Navigate to Ed-Fi-SampleDataLoad directory (e.g., C:\Ed-Fi-SampleDataLoad).
  • Execute LoadSampleData.ps1.

    The script will run the Bulk Load Client to load data from the Sample XML folder to the Empty Sandbox Database.

    If your local copy of EdFi.BulkLoadClient.Console.exe is in a different location than the root of the drive, you can modify the LoadSampleData.ps1 script to adjust. The script contains a parameter that defines the local path to the Ed-Fi-ODS repository. This is set by default to C:/Ed-Fi-ODS but can be changed to be appropriate for your environment.


The following link contains the scripts and directory setup used in this how-to article.


The following GitHub links contain the sample XML files and the as-shipped Ed-Fi Descriptor XML.

Sample XML