
A new enumeration has been defined for features. This follows the pattern suggestion by 

using EdFi.Ods.Common;

namespace EdFi.Ods.Api.Common.Constants
    public class ApiFeature : Enumeration<ApiFeature, string>
        public static readonly ApiFeature Extensions = new ApiFeature("extensions", "Extensions");
        public static readonly ApiFeature ChangeQueries = new ApiFeature("changeQueries", "Change Queries");
        public static readonly ApiFeature OpenApiMetadata = new ApiFeature("openApiMetadata", "Open Api Metadata");
        public static readonly ApiFeature AggregateDependencies = new ApiFeature("aggregateDependencies", "Aggregate Dependencies");
        public static readonly ApiFeature Composites = new ApiFeature("composites", "Composites");
        public static readonly ApiFeature Profiles = new ApiFeature("profiles", "Profiles");
        public static readonly ApiFeature OwnershipBasedAuthorization = new ApiFeature("ownershipBasedAuthorization", "Ownership Based Authorization");
        public static readonly ApiFeature UniqueIdValidation = new ApiFeature("uniqueIdValidation", "Unique Identification Validation");

        public ApiFeature(string value, string displayName)
            : base(value, displayName) { }

        // Returns the key used by the config file. Note this is always the value.
        public string GetConfigKeyName() => Value;

The Core API Features also has been moved to EdFi.Ods.Features.