Ed-Fi REST Implementation for ODS / API

Ed-Fi REST Implementation for ODS / API

The Ed-Fi API Design & Implementation Guidelines documentation provides general requirements and non-normative standards for a RESTful API based on the Ed-Fi Data Model. The Ed-Fi ODS / API is a concrete implementation of an API that adheres to those guidelines. This section provides an overview of the specifications related to the Ed-Fi ODS / API.

Specification Overview

The Ed-Fi ODS / API is a RESTful JSON API that exposes resources aligned with the Ed-Fi Data Model. The ODS is a relational database that stores the data.

The API definition is provided using Swagger[1] specification metadata endpoints, which contain full documentation of the API resources and their associated model classes, along with the HTTP requests used to interact with the API.


The Ed-Fi ODS / API v3.0 will be the first implementation aligned with the Data Standard v2.1 model. A draft specification is online here. The final specification for v3.0 is estimated to be published in September 2017.

1 As of the Data Standard v2.1 release, the Ed-Fi ODS / API v2.x implementation is using the Swagger specification. The Swagger specification has been updated and the project has changed its name to the Open API spec. Future generations of the Ed-Fi ODS / API will use the Open API spec.