Content Reviewer FAQ

Content Reviewer FAQ


This page contains ye olde FAQ, some of which have actually been asked not-infrequently, others of which anticipate good questions one might have.



Script Review Questions

How will the scripts be used?

When final, the script will be read aloud in voiceover. It's often hard to imagine in early drafts, but the script review process refines content until it can be used for voiceover.

Many Academy courses use a professional voiceover artist to narrate online material. In those cases, the final scripts are used more or less verbatim. Other courses such as how-to videos use in-house or less formal styles. In those cases, the script is rarely used verbatim, but rather as a guide for a more conversational voiceover.

Am I supposed to be correcting punctuation and text formatting?

No. Since the scripts will be spoken aloud, they often contain commas to indicate a pause, italics, or other text treatment to indicate emphasis, and similar. 

Am I supposed to be correcting grammar, style, and usage issues?

It depends on where we are in the process and your role in the course development. You can find that detail in the review documentation on this site (see, e.g., Script Review (1st Draft), Script Review (2nd Draft) +). However, a few rules of thumb:

  • In the outline and first draft reviews, don't worry about general grammar, style, or usage. In these early stages, we may add, remove, or rearrange significant chunks of content, so don't spend time on polish.
  • Notwithstanding the above, it's never too early to fix or flag incorrect usage of Ed-Fi terms or technical terms. 

I see bullet-points in the script that seem awfully long. Will those also appear on-screen?

Not necessarily, and rarely as-is in the script.

In some cases, the bullets are simply a guide to make the content structure more evident to reviewers and to the voiceover artists. In other cases, the bullets provide voiceover for content that will be shown on screen, but the actual text or bullet points will be shown in a condensed or summary form.

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