Background and Purpose
Persistent teacher shortages across the U.S. are particularly acute in areas such as science, bilingual education, special education, and math. This situation is further exacerbated by fewer new educators entering the profession and ongoing retention challenges.
In response, the Ed-Fi Alliance conducted a structured essential question (EQ) and visual design process aimed at addressing these staffing challenges through data-informed insights and visual reporting tools.
This collaborative effort identified and prioritized the essential questions that would be most impactful for districts, considering common staffing issues across different educational contexts. Through this process, three core EQs emerged. These EQs informed the development of corresponding mockups to provide targeted insights through dashboards, supporting districts in their strategic decision-making. The resulting EQs and mockups allow educational leaders to visualize key data, guiding actions that improve hiring, staffing equity, and educator retention.
This document summarizes each EQ and provides links to related documentation.
Essential Questions Summary
EQ 1: Hiring Summary/Vacancies
Essential Question: How do educator vacancies vary across the district/county?
Purpose: Guide strategic planning, identify vacancy patterns, promote staffing equity, and support policy development by visualizing where staffing gaps exist. Designed for education service agencies (ESAs) and local education agencies (LEAs).
Mockup Link: EQ 1 Hiring Summary/Vacancies Dashboard
Use Case Documentation Link: EQ1 Hiring Summary/Vacancies Use Case Documentation
EQ 2: LEA Educator Retention by Assignment
Essential Question: Are certain educator assignments linked to higher retention?
Purpose: Identify factors impacting educator retention, inform support strategies, and enable targeted retention interventions for assignments facing high turnover. Designed for education service agencies (ESAs) and local education agencies (LEAs).
Mockup Link: EQ 2 Retention Dashboard
Use Case Documentation Link: EQ 2 Retention Use Case Documentation
EQ 3: Educator Staffing Snapshot
Essential Question: How do educator (including newly hired and paraprofessionals) counts and characteristics vary across campuses?
Purpose: Ensure equitable access to qualified, certified teachers who reflect the demographic characteristics of their students, address staffing equity, and guide strategic staffing decisions. Designed for education service agencies (ESAs) and local education agencies (LEAs).
Mockup Link: EQ 3 Educator Staff Snapshot Dashboard
Use Case Documentation Link: EQ 3 Educator Staffing Use Case Documentation
Date Requirements Documentation
Learn More: Contact Dr. Lindsey Judd, Community Manager, Ed-Fi