How it Works

How it Works


The Ed-Fi Exchange is a technology hub for community contributions aligned to the Ed-Fi Data Standard and Implementation Suite.

How the Ed-Fi Exchange Benefits the Community

States, Districts, Technology Providers and the Ed-Fi Alliance contribute solutions to the Ed-Fi Exchange that may be downloaded by other Ed-Fi Community members. Ed-Fi Exchange contributions may take the form of extensions to the Ed-Fi Data Standard, the Ed-Fi ODS and API, and Ed-Fi Dashboards in the form of plugins. In addition, conceptual documents such as technical white papers and implementation project overviews may be contributed to assist other licensees planning to leverage Ed-Fi technology.

The goal is to make the Ed-Fi Community greater than the sum of its parts by openly sharing innovations aligned to the Ed-Fi Data Standard.

How to Fully Access Contributions

Only Ed-Fi Licensees can download contributions and view contributing organization information to learn more about their Ed-Fi aligned solutions. To get full access to the Ed-Fi Exchange, you canĀ request a license.

Once the Ed-Fi Alliance has verified your status as a licensee, you will receive an e-mail with instructions to log into the site. You will then be able to view additional solution detail, download contributions and contact solution contributors.

How to Contribute to the Exchange

Read about how to contribute a solution or informational resource in How to Contribute.